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  • Gender
  • Location
    Edmonton, Alberta
  • Interests
    Movies, Rockabilly music, figurin' out how to make leather look purdy, etc.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    google search

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  1. Wink

    Warts & All

    From my very first project to my latest. I might as well show the progression from beginner to whatever.
  2. Wink

    E-reader cover

    Thanks WScott!
  3. Thanks, Johanna! I would've noticed sooner but I have an innate ability to not see things that are right in front of my face!
  4. Fantastic - I now have proper edges! Thanks Bob!!
  5. Wink

    Saddle Soap

    Great, thanks Cyber! And Mike - my girlfriend isn't a French model, she's a Swedish model. Yeah, Swedish - that's it...
  6. Wink

    Saddle Soap

    Oh, it wasn't here, Cheryl. Just on the most reliable source ever - the internet! Some talk of the ph level of it and how it degrades fibres - especially when used to try and restore and clean old leather. And you reminded me of another question - edges seem to be a tricky thing and so far I've just been sanding, wetting, buffing, waxing, then buffing again my edges (all by hand). At what step would you apply saddle soap? and what function does that serve? And thanks!!
  7. Hey all, I have a tin of Feibing's Saddle Soap (can't remember why I bought it but probably because buying stuff is half the fun for a newbie). Anyway, I have read alot of articles on how saddle soap has a tendency to harm leather. My question is, when and why would I use saddle soap? Is it only harmful to already sealed leather or veg tanned leather? Should I just throw it out? Thanks, Wink
  8. In case the PM got missed, I respectfully request access to the adult section. Thanks Mistr...wait, sorry - I got carried away!
  9. Okay, this is brilliant.
  10. Okay, you talked me into it.
  11. I inherited my Dad's stuff and I remember he took great care with the lacing so I understand the relationship between lacing and the leather. I'm slightly leary of posting pics because of the relatively poor quality of the stamping, carving and dying job. But I also realize that I should only be looking for improvement, not perfection! Plus it's my first "thing" so, there ya go. Also, that's some nice stitchin' there, Chief.
  12. Awesome! Thanks Chief, I'll try that out today!! EDIT - Hey, between your's and George's help, I got it! Thanks a lot! It turns out I was letting the needle go into the loop and creating a knot (if that makes sense) and I kept rotating the lace instead of keeping it flat and straight. Thanks a lot guys!
  13. Sorry Beav, I don't have photographic capabilities right now (and probably won't until Monday - long story). I suppose I was kinda hoping the lacing would come fairly easy but alas, it hasn't. I understand a little better about the variables involved and if I'm still having problems come next week, I'll gladly post and see if one of you fine folk could help me. Maybe it's also the stress of our NHL team and new arena situation that's getting me all worked up? Maybe if we lose the Oil, I'll start cheering for the Flames! Thanks!
  14. I'm just trying to lace my first project with a double loop stitch and it's not coming to me very easily. I've checked out Mr. Hurst's video and another but I just can't get the lace to look right after 4 or 5 stitches. I am getting better at it with each try so I know I'll get it eventually, it's just frustrating and I can't quite pinpoint exactly where I'm going wrong. I guess I'm venting more than asking a question. I'm gonna go home and whip up a makeshift stitching pony too to see if that helps. K, time for a coffee and a break... Wink
  15. Thanks for the tips, guys. I went and bought a can of the 3M - 77 and will do a test run or two tonight. @Cyberthrasher - yeah, I thought stitching the fabric might be best but wasn't sure - thanks for the reassurance!
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