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Everything posted by piddler

  1. Cowboy Bob, I called Friday to see what y'all might be able to do within my budget and didnt get much help. Anything you can do for me within my 2000.00 budget shipped to Texas?
  2. Ok, I asked for the experts advise, and I would be stupid not to take it. Thanks for all your help.
  3. It is set up as a sit down machine that includes a flat bed attachment as well
  4. Robert downloaded this video on youtube of the exact machine he is offering. I'm pretty impressed with someone willing to go to all that trouble. His company is National Sewing Supply, anyone done business with him?
  5. This looks like the same machine as the Juki, under a different brand http://www.ebay.com/itm/ECONOSEW-441S-Heavy-Duty-Walking-Foot-Sewing-Machine-/110626651772?pt=BI_Sewing_Machines&hash=item19c1dcbe7c
  6. The Juki 441S is a lightly used machine from a reputable dealer that also happens to sell on ebay. I have been negotiating with him for a couple days and have managed to get a lower price on his items. I will show you his listings, but please, nobody scoot up under me on these until I decide. :-) http://www.ebay.com/itm/220676926994?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Juki-441S-/221075919956?pt=BI_Sewing_Machines&hash=item337926d454 And then this one from Ron: http://www.ebay.com/itm/150967761918?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  7. I can buy a new Techsew 2700, Juki 441S, or Toro 3000 branded an Artisan machine for virtually the same money. What would you buy if your primary use was smaller leather accs such as belts, bags, purses etc. I rarely sew over 2 pieces of 8-9oz, but always sew down to 3-4 oz with a mission grain or kid lining. I'm afraid the Juki and Toro may be more machine than I need, but would sure be nice to have if they will do the same job without marking up my projects. Since I was too late to order from Ron today at Techsew I have the weekend to decide. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. A 654 just sold on ebay for 46.00
  9. There is another guy by PM that is wanting me to look for a few other tools as well. Im a truck driver and have to leave for the week now, but I will get in the attic this weekend and see what I can find. No, not really looking to sell any of my others unless they are duplicates of these I have on my bench. I think at last rough count I have 6-700 in all so if there is something else you really need in particular I'll try to find if I have two.
  10. Ok, makes sense, and really thankful for your input and vast knowledge. This will be my last question. Is this the Chandler you were rederring to?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/200719127196?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#shId
  11. How about this one? It fits into my budget. I sew primarily small leather accesories, wallets, belts, insides, etc and have always used a class 15 for these things due to space limitations, but would like to expand. Thanks in advance for all your help. JUKI LU-563 Walking Foot Upholstery, Leather Sewing Machine - $895
  12. You said the last one you were bidding on you lost out on. What had you bid? Like I said I have lots of these type stamps and dont really use them, but I do realize they have some value.
  13. I have one, what is it worth? I have quite a few of these type stamps but never use them. I'm more into the figure carving and swivel knife work. Got something interesting you want to trade??
  14. I'm in Arlington and will buy if you still have it.
  15. Anyone have a Thompson or similar sewing machine they care to sell for a decent price?

  16. Searching for Tandy ProLine Swivel knife.

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