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About bukitleather

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/02/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    North Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Interests
    leather shoes, boots, japanese wallet, saddle maker

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    not yet, still newbie
  • Interested in learning about
    leathercarving, stamping, perfect edge

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  1. 8.9 S.R earthquake just 'shake' my hometown..and it has a potential for tsunami..please pray for my country..thank you

    1. Phatdaddy


      I heard of this on the radio this morning. My thoughts and prayers are with your people. Hopefully the worst is over.


    2. Sylvia


      "Amen" ... Hope everything is ok

      with you and yours.

    3. bukitleather


      thanx guys..may God bless us all.

  2. well done..I like it.. It might be better if you use in many range of colours.. make it colourfull..:D
  3. I agree with you..and the reason is because I was trying to make make a new ornament and it ended up like this..I like it a lot.
  4. just got some orders recently and this are the results.. critics and comments are more than welcome -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. I love the border !!! and the deflector also a brilliant idea.. I was wondering what colour is that? is that ox blood+whiskey brown or something else?
  6. Hi NYIS for me, I use Coreldraw X5.. actually, I didn't have any proper education to use it, but it was pretty easy to understand I didn't learn how to use it professionally, but at least the basics, such as how to make round, square or even custom shape. the best thing from this software, you can draw and print with the exact measurement that you want. for example, if you draw a line with 10cm length on the programme, you can print it exactly 10cm on the paper. so you won't miss even 1mm on the paper. after you print the pattern, stick it to a cardboard with paper glue, wait untill it dries and then cut it. but the worst part is I need to zoom in and zoom out so many times because I only have 14'' screen notebook I tried on my friend's pc which has 24'' screen, I felt it's easier and faster to finish the pattern. hope this would be helpful. Amor.
  7. Hi I really want to learn about leather carving.. I already had some basic tools to help me with that, but I'm wondering if I need more than I have this picture and design is extremely beautiful for me and I really want to learn it (picture credit to KC,s Experience Leathercraft) could you please experts from here, help me to make a list about tools that I need to make something like picture above? and I'm also wondering, what is the difference between metal swivel knife and plastic swivel knife? thank you Amor.
  8. bukitleather

    Restored Sulky

    this is beautiful..and need a lot of hard work well done job.. and I hope you are satisfy.. How long did you take to finish the restoration? perhaps it could be better if you can hide the bits (that you use to merge the leather with the frame of the seat) by covering with another piece of leather. hope you can under stand what I mean. Amor
  9. thank you for your reply but sorry, could you please explain this sentence : just a groove gouged out of the flesh side to form a crease in which the leather folds I really don't understand thank you lol..I never thought about it, neither my friend.. but probably, I'll give it a shot.. Thank you Thank you so much.. i really appreciate it Thank you I was thinking about it too, it would be eye-catching for outside.. but my friend prefer black thread
  10. thank you so much.. my friend was also very satisfy actually I was looking for some tutorials about how can I fold my wallet perfectly. I don't know how to explain this because of my poor English and I ended up lost while looking for it in this forum. Does it has any technical word for it? but the idea is making a really good fold without stiching two sides (left and right) together, like I did.
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