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Status Replies posted by mikesmith648

  1. Does anyone use Cedar Oil here? It is pretty expensive at 36€ a quart so I am looking for some examples that people have used it on raw veg tan...I can't seem to find any examples.

    1. mikesmith648


      I got lots of cedar trees here........come squeeze all the oil out ya want!!!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. i cant figure out why my leather just wont glue!!! help! :(

  3. Doesn't anyone use chat anymore? LOL

  4. Some people should learn how to spell / and / or use spell check. Especially if you are going to criticize someone elses work.......Also, if it isn't constructive criticism, then you should keep it to yourself!!

  5. Some people should learn how to spell / and / or use spell check. Especially if you are going to criticize someone elses work.......Also, if it isn't constructive criticism, then you should keep it to yourself!!

    1. mikesmith648


      I just wanted to add that my comment was about someone basically bashing their local competition, and the one doing the bashing could use a heck of a lot more improvement than the one they were bashing. I believe your work should stand up for itself and if you can't deal with having competition, then maybe you should find a different line of work to be in. There, I have said my piece.........and I love the comments!!!

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  6. hey everyone. sorry i dropped off awhile. been trying to learn some things. missed this site.

  7. OK Now I am ready for a vacation - but it is hard when yer self employed and work every day...

  8. I wish pushy sales men would learn, that being pushy makes me not want to buy anything from them.Ever.

    1. mikesmith648


      only $20,000???? he ain't a very good salesman...If it was me I woulda roped ya into a 50,000 one...lol

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  9. Let's all wish DoubleC AKA Cheryl good luck at her first craft show and hope that she is as successful as she wants to be! Good luck Cheryl!

  10. When is the 2012 IFoLG show?

  11. does anyone know of LW classes in he NJ/NY area?

    1. mikesmith648


      Tandy leather has classes in Allentown, PA. That was the closest I could find

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Does anybody have Ed the Bearman's phone number? thank you.

    1. mikesmith648


      I have one of each of his cards and there is no phone number on it. You can PM him on here or e-mail and he responds rather quickl

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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