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Everything posted by CicadaLeatherDesigns

  1. I have been asked to make a custom camera for a customer. They want it to have a carabiner with a locking mechanism like this one but with different measurements. Any idea where I can find a dozen or more of these? I check Ohio Travel Bag, Buckle Guy, Etsy, ect.
  2. http://www.etsy.com/listing/98894284/custom-leather-stamp-with-heat-embosser I havent used it and the feedback varies but its all I've found yet!
  3. I am not asking for handouts. Kickstarter is a wonderful community of people who enjoy supporting artists and musicians. In exchange for backing a project, a person receives rewards including products, publicity and the deep gratitude from creative folks. Its not about handouts but rather about encouraging and funding artistic endeavors that otherwise would go unnoticed. In today' s world, part of "get-up and go" includes the social media and included in that is crowd-funding. I think its a wonderful thing that despite the depression we are in, people still want to see the little guy make it. Mia Barrett
  4. Thanks for the 'best of luck'! Kickstarter reviews all projects before they go live. They not only approved my campaign but honored it as a Staff Pick. But thanks for the heads up.
  5. Hello, My name is Mia. I have loved this forum for all the help its given me. So much to learn! In order to make my business into what I dream I need some support. I have aKickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds. My goal is $2000. If I do not reach my goal I do not get any money. The funds will go towards buying desperately needed new tools and American-made supplies. If you back my campaign you get awesome leathergoods. Also you get a shout out on Twitter and Facebook. And your name and website will be listed as contributors on my site. With your support you can make this happen. A dollar helps. Sharing on Facebook, a tweet, or a conversation with a friend all help. Lets get the word out! Thank you very much. I cant do this without people like you. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/267599142/cicada-leather-co-artisan-leathergoods-made-in-ame
  6. I, Cicada Leather Company, launched a Kickstarter campaign! I am raising funds to upgrade my tools and purchase supplies which are made in America. My tools are old crappy craft tools and the quality of my tools definitely shows in my work. I want to improve the quality of my products and to do so I need some help. I know we are all in the same boat, longing for tools that are out of our budget. But please help a girl out! Share this link in your facebook or twitter, or consider contributing to my cause. Thank you! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/267599142/cicada-leather-co-artisan-leathergoods-made-in-ame -Mia at Cicada Leather Company
  7. I have an Etsy shop. I opened it a few months ago so it has yet to be profitable. I hope that with time, increased amount of products, and a little exposure, it will all be worth it. I am not sure that Etsy is the best place for me. It requires both Etsy membership and paypal account so I worry that that is a deterrent for customers. So I made a separate website on Big Cartel. Time will tell which is best for me. http://cicadaleathercompany.bigcartel.com/ http://www.etsy.com/shop/CicadaLeatherCompany?ref=si_shop
  8. I too am looking at buying a Cutline 211. I know very little about it and sewing machines in general. Which machine did you choose and why? Did you ever find out anything you could share with me about the Cutline?
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