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Everything posted by Zigmars

  1. Hi. One of the most interesting last projects. Belt with skull, flames and iron cross.
  2. Very nice. Nice design and color! Very like it!
  3. Nice!, Very nice! They all look very good.
  4. Zigmars


    http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=40209 Here is a picture that looked like the original desing.
  5. Zigmars


    All parts are cut with a swivwl knife. if i properly understood your question.
  6. Looks good, I like it!
  7. Thanks for the repley, need experiment when it will be possible.
  8. Hi. Please help! Maybe you could say what this is the color or how to get this color. Thank you!
  9. Zigmars


    Красива. просто окрашено краскoй или просто печать ?
  10. Yes, is opens another tab, maybe it's just my problem, but I prefer that opens on the same page And recommend to step up to the gallery is only one. Because some people are just lazy and is also faster on view gallery. But of course these are just my thoughts! Sign of the Hammer Patch 6 -very nice colors!
  11. Nice work, but wen i in one of the gallery, unfortunately, not able to return back to Home. The only thing that seemed to me a little bit disturbing. And red color ven push the button at gallery.
  12. A very nice website. Nice color and design and a very beautiful staff.
  13. Zigmars


    From the album: My first belt

    © © leatherworker.net

  14. Zigmars

    My first belt

  15. Zigmars


    From the album: My first belt

    © © leatherworker.net

  16. Zigmars


    From the album: My first belt

    © © leatherworker.net

  17. Very beautiful. What kind of paint you used?
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