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  1. I use a ceramic fishing hook sharpener. They are V shaped and usually have several grades of grit all the way to fine which does a beautiful job of polishing.
  2. Really a first world problem; but I found it interesting and wanted to share. http://pagesix.com/2014/10/13/hermes-customers-say-their-birkin-bags-smell-like-marijuana/?_ga=1.255990286.487950594.1411870705 Michael
  3. First off, I am not a big forum poster, never have been on any forum I follow; but I do read a ton, so thank-you for your help. One of thing I gleaned early on is the importance of sharp tools. I have always been interested and practiced sharpening so I was able to apply that skill. I spent hours sharpening, stropping and polishing my awls and it shows in the quality of my stitching. The first time, I took out my stones and ceramics to sharpen and polish a beautiful edge. I recently bought an Osborne awl, and was not looking forward to the task of getting it set up properly. I was organizing my fishing gear and saw my hook sharpener (I have many depending on the fishing) the one I use for larger game, when it hit me that it might be useful in awl sharpening. The long and short of it is, It worked perfectly!! kept the diamond shape of the awl while sharpening the front third to a tremendous edge. The awl still needs a mirror polish for smooth penetration, but it is sharp. There are many hook sharpener styles, the two I used were first a diamond file with a groove in it, then a ceramic one, also with a groove that finished the edge marvelously. I hope this idea works for you and I have now made a small contribution back into the knowledge base. Best, Michael
  4. Hi all. I did a couple of hours research with no luck. I am looking to find a source for these screws? bolts? I don't even know how they install or what they are called let alone where to purchase them. I need them for a note pad I am building. Thank-you in advance. Michael
  5. Is the edge finishing iron available in the United States? Thanks in advance Michael
  6. I will sum up some of what I have learned. 1. Write up the steps for each project, both in advance as the plan and notes on how they were executed and any adjustments to be made net time. 2. Leather work is 40% working with leather and the rest of my time sharpening. At this point I can't describe myself as a leather worker but more of an accomplished sharpener and polisher. 3. Even if the project isn't perfect finish it. Perseverance will win the day. 4. Keep watching the Videos you nice people have posted. One on the saddle stitch (which I so desperately want to master) I watched 8 times before I saw the simple move I was omitting. I will keep it up, Best to all and thanks, Michael Besides the fact I just realized I posted this to the wrong topic!
  7. Please add me to this section, Thanks, Michael
  8. This is exactly the items that got me into the hobby! I love your shell pouches.
  9. I have a WIcked Edge I haven't found a way to mount a round knife or skiving knife for that matter. But I love the Wicked Edge. Michael
  10. Thank you all. The scratch awl to make a line, then carefully cutting with one of my knives worked like a dream. I still need practice and patience is a learned behavior for me. I just spent the better part of the night practicing cutting, grooving, marking and stitching. Is there a right of passage badge for piercing a thread? I pierced my first one today; thanks to the knowledge on this forum I just slowly put things right and kept on going. One day I am going to use these skills to make something useable. In the mean time I am still studying. Best, Michael
  11. Thank-you, that makes sense, as I am pushing down so hard I inevitably push agains my straight edge just enough to move it a bit. I will give it a try latter. Best, Michael
  12. Hello all. So as I stated in my introduction, I am new to leather work. I have read most of the sight, books, watched videos and have gotten my mind around the steps needed to create an item. My actual hands on learning are: Gluing two pieces of leather together to stitch. I have trained my hands to not put down the awl and pull at an even tension to produce evenly spaced, attractive stitches. I can glue town pieces together neatly. So I have some progression. EXCEPT, I can't cut a straight line! I have a good cutting knife, a round knife and a disposable craft knifes. I keep my knifes sharp; my round knife will shave hairs. I have a good work surface, cutting mats, straight edges, t-squares, yet every time I go to cut something it seems like the guide moves just a bit and my line is off, just enough, the edges don't match up. Should I buy a bench sander cut larger and sand my way in, or just keep practicing? I am open to any sage advice. Best, Michael
  13. Rod, I am right there with you. I also live in work in the city, North side, and am learning as much as I can. I am not much of a poster but love to read as much as I can. Now to get my hands trained to do the work. Best, Michael
  14. Hi, I am writing to introduce myself. I am a very new to working with leather and have spent the better part of a month reading this forum and many different topics. I have a deep appreciation for the lovely English hand sewn leather works and have fantasized about being able to create some myself. To that end, I have been spending my time glueing pieces together and training myself to hand stitch. This led to practice cutting even squares, finishing the edges and hand sewing them. My ultimate goal would be to build an oak and leather gun case, But I am years away from that. My history with internet forums is to be a reader and not a poster. I mean no disrespect by that. I have learned a lot from all your generosity in posting. I can now look at a sheath on some of my knifes and understand how they were put together, for me that is step one. Step two is training my hands to do the work. So here I am. Michael
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