Hello all. So as I stated in my introduction, I am new to leather work. I have read most of the sight, books, watched videos and have gotten my mind around the steps needed to create an item.
My actual hands on learning are: Gluing two pieces of leather together to stitch. I have trained my hands to not put down the awl and pull at an even tension to produce evenly spaced, attractive stitches. I can glue town pieces together neatly. So I have some progression.
EXCEPT, I can't cut a straight line! I have a good cutting knife, a round knife and a disposable craft knifes. I keep my knifes sharp; my round knife will shave hairs. I have a good work surface, cutting mats, straight edges, t-squares, yet every time I go to cut something it seems like the guide moves just a bit and my line is off, just enough, the edges don't match up. Should I buy a bench sander cut larger and sand my way in, or just keep practicing?
I am open to any sage advice.