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    Des Moines Iowa
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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    looked it up

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  1. Does anyone have his petal lifters?
  2. I love the tooling but the handles are a little different then anything i've ever seen... where did you learn how to do it like that I always use one of the ways in vol. 2 of al stohlmans how to make leather cases I think it would help get a different handle and I think you customers would like it I dunno just finding a way for you to improve
  3. I want to see the inside of the folder!!!
  4. Ballin' Shot callin' I'd carry that around... ok maybe not that's just because I am a guy
  5. is this how you do most of your straps?? or just the hole with the slit?
  6. i'm trying Clay Miller's tools
  7. You can also e-mail me at macdaddyskuz@yahoo.com or you can find me on facebook Drew Skutley
  8. Hello I am interested I am in iowa but I have a friend in Santa Rosa who can pick it up please give me a call at 1-515-229-8203 my name is Drew and we can talk
  9. Hello I am interested in some of the stamping tools and the maul depending on weight please email me or find me on facebook and we can talk macdaddyskuz@yahoo.com Drew Skutley on facebook thank you I have cash and i'm ready to buy
  10. the tools from springfield are mostly craft tools and the smooth figure tools for matting are terrible and leave line impressions but I love everything else at springfield just don't get the craft tools alot of them are good but those one's are no good
  11. for your smooth Figure beveler... umm i want to say f982 where did you get it and at what time period exp. craft tool .. 1988
  12. where do I order peters book at?
  13. I just want to know did he emboss the girl then cut her out and appliqued to the background and is her arm also appliqued across her body I know he must have airbrushed the background and the girl but i wanna know about her arm because I can't see where he attched it to her body did he skive it so it would flow from her shoulder??
  14. He says it's Highly embossed appliqued i'm guessing spirited dyes with acrylic paint??? I dunno but it's the best leatherwork i've ever seen in my life and I want to be able to do it HELP ME!!!!
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