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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. I've talked with them but haven't used their products. They are really helpful, great testimonials and seem to have all of their ducks in a row. http://brandingirons.com/index.html
  2. Howdy yaw'll, I just had a potential customer asking me about belt loops for a holster design that he wants done and it may mean several dozen or more that may need to be done. He's very exacting and wants them made out of leather and NOT the rubber ones. Is there a source for ordering them? A template for making them myself? Or, should I invest in a die for my clicker if the volume is enough? I thought I'd find something in the search but I'm running in circles it seems. Thanks for any input! Liberty
  3. If you can tell me where I should get the pics taken from the guy will provide them. Do you need a close up of the area of the machine at or around the business end/needle portion of the machine or of something else...motors etc...? I've read Wiz's thread but it gets deep fast and I'm trying to pull off a great "deal" quickly, if it's the right deal. I'm callin him now for more pics/info. I appreciate your knowledge and help.
  4. Thanks Ron, One more question, if I may? In the pics I posted is there any way to tell if it is a walking foot machine? The fellow I talked to on the phone did say it was a walking foot machine but I'll add that he knows less about it than I do and I'm purely going from hearsay.
  5. One would think that a machine in an ad that is being touted as a "leather sewing machine" would actually be sewing leather and not cloth/vinyl...just sayin.
  6. Look at the second image down, that sure looks like 2 layers of 8/9 oz.
  7. Daggonit...I just ran across this link and was gettin' giddy. Not the same machine eh? http://shop.raphaelsewing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=6&products_id=442
  8. Here's the whole shootin' match.
  9. From the little I can glean from the net I think that this machine is a medium weight machine but I'm not totally sure. I'm hunting for a machine that will do (2 5oz) 10oz's of rigid/dense veg tan for belts and I don't think this can do it, am I correct? At the same time I have heard "here" that motors and servos can make this possible, again...I might be mistaken. This could be an insanely good deal IF this machine is an acceptable machine for the task. I have pics if needed. Thank you!
  10. Hi Bob, Thanks for the reply, sounds a little too lightweight for what I'm looking for but the price was right at $350, if it lived up to its billing. In my case 10/12 oz for belts and other stuff and I don't think this machine is the right fit, for me anyways.
  11. I saw this today on a CL listing and wondered if anyone has any opinions. It comes with table, motor, etc. I tried a search here on the forum but came up dry.
  12. Thanks! LNL! Who knows...maybe "couch rustlin" is a new trend?
  13. Ahhhh, ok. I didn't know there were different sections of leather/vinyl, thus the post. Thanks! I'd still skin a couch for it's cushions, lol.
  14. I reckon you'd have to figger the cost.benefit numbers out. Here they pick up that stuff with everything else so it's not an issue. That being said....how many sq feet of leather on a couch? How many things can be made from it? For how many X of $? What's the typical dump fee? I think you'd still come out ahead in the long run.
  15. That factor is addressed in the OP. So, it has a vinyl backing. Remove it? Or, cover it with something else?
  16. Well, so far I don't seem like such a nut to yaw'll but the idea of "couch rustlin' really makes me lmao.
  17. This may seem odd but it crossed my mind and I thought I'd ask those with more knowledge than myself. I frequent Craigslist, particularly the free section and I often see leather couches posted. I know that we're not talking veg tan or any HD leather but for lighter things isn't leather leather? Yeah it probably has a backing on it but so what? Can't that backing be backed as well? Or, stripped off and replaced? Maybe my ignorance is showing but I can see finding these couches and skinning them and then making stuff from the couches hides.
  18. I really like your bag, what oz leather did you use? Does it have a bottom and or feet? Personally I like the rivets.
  19. The best bang for the buck is to choose a gun that's interchangeable with other models. I think you're correct with the 9mm, Glock would be in the forefront. I think, don't hold me to it, that the G17 is comparable to the G26 in build and holstering, I do know that there are very similar Glock models that can serve one holster design. At least that way you're killin 2 birds with 1 stone.
  20. I haven't tried this yet but was turned onto the idea the other day, sounds like a nifty idea to me. Use a Bingo dauber for applying dyes etc to your edges. Can be bought at the dollar stores or online.
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