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  1. Yeah, that would be great!
  2. I have mostly made single card slot stuff up until now, but I am interested in making some wallets with multiple card slots that overlap each other like you find in most commercial wallets. I've seen some people do this so that the edges lay flat still. Hollows Leather has a lot of fantastic examples of this, but how do you do it without things getting super thick?
  3. I got a .75" x .63" stamp made from Buckeye Stamps. Took a couple weeks, and their customer service was a little unresponsive, but I'm really pleased with the stamp. It was also significantly cheaper than infinity stamps.
  4. Dang, Nicolas Hollows said he got his from http://www.crownandbuckle.com/, but I emailed them and they said they no longer supply the hardware without the straps. Drat.
  5. You're right. I guess I am looking for Zulu hardware. Though really, I'd be happy with either type. Thanks for the clarification!
  6. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=44271
  7. I get my thread from http://www.thethreadexchange.com/. I get the 415 weight waxed thread. I find that its not waxed heavily enough though, so I wax it little more with a cube of beeswax.
  8. whoops, double post. sorry!
  9. I want to make some nato watch straps, similar to the attached image, but I cant find ANYWHERE that sells the hardware. If anyone knows where I could get that kind of buckle/loops (especially if its solid brass) I'd be super pumped! Thanks!
  10. I want to make some nato watch straps, similar to the attached image, but I cant find ANYWHERE that sells the hardware. If anyone knows where I could get that kind of buckle/loops (especially if its solid brass) I'd be super pumped! Thanks!
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