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About shinelightshine

  • Birthday 07/11/1985

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    learning everything I can about making wallets/cases/bags

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  1. Thanks Feraud! Thanks guys! And ya, I should have paid more attention to my edges on those. I'm finding that I'm liking gum trag less and less. I find that I don't get the results I want and that it ends up make the the edge too crusty/hard. I'm going to start experimenting with saddle soap and beeswax. Do either of you have any suggestions? Also, Basically Bob! I see you're from Simcoe! I was in Simcoe a year or two ago attending the Gentlemen of the Road Festival (the tour with Mumford & Sons and Old Crow Medicine Show) at the Norfolk Fairgrounds. It's a beautiful little town.
  2. Thanks a lot Thanks Bob! Like I said, it was a piece of not so great scrap lying around that had just naturally developed some colour from age/the sun. It had dried out pretty good and was fairly stiff so I hit it pretty hard with some neatsfoot oil. That's the only finish on it.
  3. Hey guys! These are a couple recent projects. I made a bag/satchel with one large compartment and a small pocket on the inside, and I made standard passport wallet. Let me know what you think! -Nick
  4. Hey guys! I had some not so great scrap leather hanging around that wasn't quit good enough to use for something I'd sell, so I thought I'd prototype something new. It's a case for an iPad mini. It has one main compartment with a belt with a buckle that goes around the whole case. On the back, a notebook or papers could be stored under the strap. For the hardware, I just used an a buckle from an old belt my wife doesn't use anymore. Anyway, have a look and let me know what you think. -Nick
  5. You did an incredible job on this. It's a beautiful bag! I would love to see some more process photos if you have any and are willing to post them!
  6. Thanks VonTannin! That's a great idea, I'll definitely give that a shot. Thanks a lot! it's about 4oz I think, a little thicker in some pieces. The side that all these are made from was 4-5oz. Yes, you're absolutely right. The tobacco does indeed flake out a little bit. I made another tobacco pouch for a friend that used a tuck closure instead and that worked much better (didn't leak at all). Another idea I had was to extend the front panel of the pouch up a bit, so that you could tuck it in and sort of cover the tobacco before snapping it shut.
  7. Thanks a lot everyone . Thanks Blak Smyth! I appreciate the tip with the snap. I'll definitely try out the shorter ones. I think I may have over pounded the snap as well on the tobacco pouch as well.
  8. Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted, so I thought I'd show you all what I've been working on. Recently I've finished a passport wallet, a couple glasses sleeves, a wallet, a key lanyard, a coin pouch, and a small tobacco pouch. Attached are some pics of the completed projects. Thanks for checking it out! -Nick
  9. A carpenter friend of mine asked me to make him a wallet for his hand scrapers similar to this. He needed the wallet to hold 4 large scrapers, and one small one. I drew up the template, and cut out the pieces from a piece of veg tan, and dyed it with Fiebing's Saddle Tan oil dye. While that was drying, I made 3 separator sleeves to go inside the wallet, to protect the individual scrapers from scratching against each other. I made the sleeves from canvas. Once everything was dry, I finished the edges, installed all the hardware, stitched on the small rear pocket for the small scraper, and stitched the sleeves in/wallet together.
  10. Horween makes Chromexcel leather which apparently the original pull up leather. I have a wallet made from Horween oxblood chromexcel and it is beautiful. It doesn't stain my pants, and has a different feel than tandy's oil tanned leather. This is the wallet: http://www.teranishibrand.com/collections/frontpage/products/minimalist-bifold it feels, smells, and has aged amazingly. You can see the slight pull-up along the stitch line. It looks really good when it's full of cards etc. The different tones along the edges of the cards make it look really rich.
  11. I'm actually seeing hime today (we're going to the tobacco shop), so I'll let you know!
  12. I really like the functionality of this. The double fold makes the case versatile. The bottom pocket can be used for cards, and you could even use the top strap to store bills under. Nice one! Dig it!
  13. Thanks a lot guys! It was a fun little project.
  14. My good friend's birthday is in a couple days, and he's a pipe enthusiast. I decided to make him a simple tobacco pouch that he can keep in an inner jacket or pant pocket. It holds about 2-3 pipe's worth of tobacco. My original intention was to dye the leather a dark, rich brown, but I ended up deciding to leave it natural veg tan. The only dye I have on hand right now is Fiebings dark brown oil dye which smells pretty harsh. I didn't want the chemical smell to interfere with any tobacco my friend put in the pouch, so I opted to leave it natural. Besides, it will develop a really nice patina over time. I put a little pocket on the back to hold matched, or a pipe tool, or a lighter. It was a fun little project! -Nick
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