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About Ran

  • Birthday February 17

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tomahawk, WI
  • Interests
    Woodworking, long distance motorcycling, family

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Member (2/4)

  1. Only rarely do I dye the interior.
  2. I just watched your video, Jack. Its fun to see how other leatherworkers do the various steps. I do some thing just like you do, and other things quite different. That's part of the fun of this type of work... Nice job!
  3. I have officially learned something today.... I've had the same thing happen, although my shop IS heated 24/7. I DO turn the temp way down when I'm not in there, but its never below freezing (not even close).
  4. Good idea, Pete! Thanks for the tip! Really though, we sometime don't give ourselves enough credit. I'll bet most of us can 'call' a thickness with our hands. I was just building a holster yesterday from what was supposed to be 8oz. I could tell just working with it that it wasn't quite 8. The caliper confirmed that it was 7oz..
  5. I like it! Nice job, Shooter! Merry Christmas!
  6. I just finished a gun belt. I used 4-5oz for the liner and 8-9oz for the outside. Turned out just under a 1/4". About right, IMO..
  7. Ha! I was just kidding, of course.... I have a few friends who like to poke fun at me for 'sewing.' Randy
  8. Oh...and Paul, I have to correct you. 'Sewing Machines' are for girls. I use a 'Stitcher' (pronounced in a very low and masculine voice)...
  9. I agree with Benlily. You'd never get away with it in woodworking (in fact, you'd have a mess on your hands)., but leather work seems to lend itself to 'bending the rules' just a bit. I seem to be burnishing my edges throughout most projects. On occasion, I've even gone back over my edges with wax 'after' my final finish has been applied and 'set' just to bolster the shine a little..
  10. Jeremy...I just use T50 staples (3/8"), butt the ends of the keeper, mark the holes using the staple, make holes with an awl, push the staples through the holes, then bend the ends over with a needle nose pliers. Its all hand work. No stapler involved. They hold up very well.. Randy
  11. Very nice, Paul! How do you like the machine? What size thread are you (and 'can' you) run in that unit?
  12. I like the design, Vaalpens. (I also love Sigs!). Very cool that you were able to use your Dad's collar brass..
  13. Those look like fun little projects, Jack. Nice work!
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