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Everything posted by TSquared

  1. CTS, there are many more people on this forum who are way smarter than me. I can tell you that you need to put the tab into the notch. The bobbin is held in place by the tab. The photo looks like a Singer 111W155. If you search the web for the 111w you will find many good manuals that have great troubleshooting guides.
  2. My new job will most likely take me to Seattle sometime this year. If I make it out west I would be happy to treat you and wife for dinner. Sorry I didn't get the video for you. I will still make the effort when I get some free time.
  3. I finally got a weekend home. I put my 111w back together. I reused the original needle bar after straightening it in our shop press. I got it straight to about .008. Best I could do. The needle bar on my machine is about 1/4 inch. The bar I got from Eric was about 5/16 so it wouldn't fit. I have to admit, I should have put it back together sooner because I forgot the assembly procedure. I got it back together only to find I forgot the walking foot bar! I took it all apart again and did it right. The replacement dogs work great. The needle no longer hits the lower dog. Thanks to all of you, especially Eric.
  4. Glad to hear that your company is hiring. Things have not picked up much here in Ohio. So if I get you correctly, your 300w has air cooled needles. That baby must be moving fast to create enough heat to warrant air cooling. I look forward to seeing some photos. Off subject, did you get to Starbucks?
  5. It is hard to believe it has been that long since I last logged on. I changed jobs right after the new year and have been traveling internationally. I generally leave for a week or two only to stop home for bill paying and laundry. Wife isn't real happy but it pays the bills. To answer your question, I have not put the old girl back together. I told Eric I would video the process and send him the digital file for his records. I got as far as buying a tripod for my Sony and setting it up in the basement. I know I need to get it done, I just don't have the ambition after being gone for 10 days at a stretch. I do feel bad about not getting it back together since Eric was kind enough to help me out so much.... I hope everyone is doing well. Tom
  6. It is hard to believe it has been that long since I last logged on. I changed jobs right after the new year and have been traveling internationally. I generally leave for a week or two only to stop home for bill paying and laundry. Wife isn't real happy but it pays the bills. To answer your question, I have not put the old girl back together. I told Eric I would video the process and send him the digital file for his records. I got as far as buying a tripod for my Sony and setting it up in the basement. I know I need to get it done, I just don't have the ambition after being gone for 10 days at a stretch. I do feel bad about not getting it back together since Eric was kind enough to help me out so much.... I hope everyone is doing well. Tom
  7. If you have a budget or if an employer is paying for the move, I would take it to the ups store. Not cheap but they will build a package that will get your machine shipped safely.
  8. Hi Eric, Any luck finding a short screw for the lower feed dog? I need to get my machine put back together before I loose any parts. My wife found the feed dog under the table. The only way it could have gotten there is if the cat or one of the dogs brought it up from the basement. LoL. I have been checking my emails and spam folder for your email. I could have missed it during the week I had no Internet. Please let me know what you need, check money order or cash and I will get it right out to you. Thanks, Tom
  9. Happy New Year to everyone at Leatherworker.net.
  10. Wiz, You are correct but I didnt see any way to get Eric's address off line without giving an email address. The web address I used is my general mailbox created just for this type of thing. Is there a way to post in this forum that is hidden? Have a happy and prosperous new year, Tom
  11. Eric, I lost my Internet thanks to the fine folks at time Warner since the 21st. Just got it working again. I checked my yahoo account to see if you had posted your address but didn't see anything. My spam folder was also empty. My email address is fourpointwelder@yahoo.com. If you get a chance, shoot me your address and I will send you $ for shipping costs. Thanks and have a happy new year. Tom
  12. What is special about you is your willingness to SHARE. I don't know too many people who are willing to help complete strangers. Everyone who benefits from your 30 years experience (I am sure it is way more than the few of us you are currently helping) appreciates your assistance. I would bet that people all over the world will read this information either now or in the future. Tom
  13. Eric, Just wanted to let you know I contacted the Bills khakis company via Internet. They told me there jeans are stiched in the US but the fabric is imported. The lady said they are looking for a domestic source to make a 100% made in USA product. Turns out they have a retailer about 25 miles from where I live. Wife and I are going shopping this weekend. Retail price on 46x30 pants is 105.00 each. I pay about 60 for levi brand now. I am going to try their product to see how it compares. Tom
  14. Great news! The feed dog screws are marginal, the long one is "ok" the short one is almost destroyed but could be used. Thanks! Tom
  15. Eric, Any luck finding parts in your parts drawers? if you did, send me an e-mail to fourpointwelder@yahoo.com with your address and I will send you money for shipping and any related expenses. Thanks, Tom
  16. This is off topic so I hope the moderator of this forum doesn't kick us off. When I was in the army in the early 70's I worked for a dentist who had me ship an autoclave, an adjustable chair (in three parts) and all kinds of drills, picks, and an overhead light to his home in Virginia. Our company armor sent home the parts to build M16 rifles. He got 20 years in fort Leavenworth for that stunt. Eric, the dimensions for the cover that has the lower feed dog in it is 22mm wide, 65mm long and 3mm thick. Some one used an engraver to put 5339 on the bottom of the plate.
  17. The lower feed dog is 240147. I mistakenly called it a throat plate in my earlier post. The longer feed dog screw is "ok" the short one is scrap. The photo of the dog is in my earlier post. I am glad to here that some garment mfg is still here in the u.s. so much of our manufacturing base has moved overseas. Here in Akron we used to have hundreds of machine shops supporting the tire companies, Hoover, Rubbermaid to name a few. All gone now along with most of the machine shops.
  18. Eric, I just caught your line "setting up a jeans line". I didn't think any clothes were made in the states anymore. What is the brand and do they sell size 46? If they do, I will find them locally somewhere. Tom
  19. I don't know why I can't get photos in my replies from my I pad. here are the photos you asked for.
  20. Nothing better than old glory. My flag pole is not big enough for the size flag in your photo. I sure with it was though. I drive past Summit Racing every morning and they have a 50 foot pole with a gigantic flag on it. The flag stands proud in a slight wind. My email address is fourpointwelder@yahoo.com. Send me your address and I will send you money for the parts and shipping. How exact do you need the needle bar measurement? I have 12" calipers at work, just a tape here at home. If not too exact, then the needle bar is about 6.250, not including the thread guide (maybe a bit longer). The throat plate is a 240147
  21. Eric, Here is my latest update. Hopefully you are keeping notes for your upcoming self help DVD. The 111w155 needle bar does not come out the top as there is no access hole. In order to remove the needle bar, one must remove the connector between the walking foot and needle bar. Remove the L-shaped bracket that holds the walking foot/needle bar assembly (next to the presser foot release). Then remove the set screw at the top of the machine next to the walking foot pressure adjustment screw. With the set screw removed, the cone shaped shoulder bolt can be tapped out to the left allowing the complete assembly to move to the left. The needle bar can then be pulled out thru the bottom cavity next to the hook. I will try to get assembly photos for you when I put it back together. My needle bar was indeed bent, but not as much as I thought. With the lenght of the bar, even the slightest bend is magnified due to the lenght. I also got the screws out of the lower feed dog. One screw (the long one) is in good shape. The short one however is almost completely destroyed. My guess is some previous tech got in there with the wrong screwdriver and could not get a good bite on the head and just washed the grove out. I was lucky because with the needle bar assembly removed I was able to get my custom made screwdriver at 180 degrees to the head (I took a screw driver and modified the flat to match the washed out head). The lower dog does have some adjustment in the holes. Not much but enough to get the needle hole centered. The lower dog appears to have been modified. The rear part of the dogs teeth are about 80% ground away. Might be why I was not getting the feeding action I expected. Any chance I can get a needle bar, lower dog and the short screw from you? I was not able to get the thread guide off the needle bar because half of the screw head is missing. I can put it in the mill and remove the rest of the head, but I am sure that the screw is a special pitch like the rest of the screws on the machine. Tom
  22. Eric, I might have to take you up on your offer. I have a surface plate I can roll the needle bar on to see if it is bent. Is there anything special to removing the bar? If I do get one from you, I will pay for it and the shipping. Tom
  23. The needle looks centered front to back but it is rubbing the left side of of the hole. I did check for bent needle, not bent. Eric mentioned early on to make sure the needle was centered, I just can't figure out how. Probably so simple I am overlooking it..
  24. Dave, I need to move my feed dog to the left to center the needle. I tried to loosen the two little screws without success as I could not get them loose. Is there a different setting?
  25. Eric, Great video, well explained. Can you offer any insight to the issues in my last post regarding foot pressure and stitch lenght? Tom
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