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Everything posted by Havamal

  1. I'm afraid I'm going to have to come up with something like that... all I did was set my leather tools on the dining room table one time and the boss immediately yelled from the other room “Don’t even think about it!!”… I’ll never figure out how she does that, it must be a female thing…
  2. I'm a Operations Manager for a 3rd Party Logistics company... Fancy name for a low paying, pain in the you know what, job. Actually I can't complain too much I have a great bunch of people working for me... I think they are the only reason I am still on the job!!
  3. I am just getting started in doing leather work... so new I don't even have a project to post yet! I have been interested in learning tooling for some time but have just finally got enough gumption to get going… (or should I say my wife finally had enough of me driving her nuts and told me to get a hobby! ) Anyway, my wife is an artist and I frequently go to shows with her where I see a lot of leather work which is what has been fueling the desire to learn. So I guess today is day one of my quest, or as some of you term my new “addiction”. I look forward to getting input on my projects as I progress on this journey (addiction).
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