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Everything posted by Havamal

  1. I always work on Black Friday so i don't get out to any sales... not that I would even if I was off! I have watched the aftermath on the news enough times that I would prefer to just hide I have to agree, online is the best option anyway.
  2. Havamal


    Welcome! nice work. Unless I'm mistaken that is one of Clan Campbell's crests?
  3. Sweet! I hope to someday be able to produce that kind of quality!
  4. Welcome aboard Betty! I agree that this forum is one of the best resources for help and information! Looking forward to seeing some of your work
  5. Havamal


    Welcome aboard! I have to agree, this is by far one of the best forums I have been on, the people, information and the work displayed are great!!!
  6. Dan ~ Thanks for the Welcome! I'll have to try that frig method. Cheryl ~ Thanks for the Welcome! I started using that handle quite a few years ago for forums. I figured it was appropriate! I have only come across a couple of people that recognize it and know what it means.
  7. Thanks for the Welcome Hornm... I'm going to have to check out PSLAC. Seems interesting! Shtoink ~ I know what you mean! I work for a 3PL and the Corp office is in Atlanta. They keep on insisting on telling the customer that they can improve how we route and save them all kinds of money on thier deliveries, but they don't seem to be able to see that large body of water! I always have to explain that you can't go from Seattle to anywhere on the peninsula in a matter of a few miles
  8. Lurker ~ Thanks for the welcome! I'm actually originally from B.C., Quadra Island to be exact. (Campbell River area) So I am use to the soggy lifestyle! Robertmeco ~ I have spent quite a bit of time here, and will spend a lot more I'm sure... LOTS of information and good people!
  9. shtoink ~ LOL... we live in one of the few places that you can case your leather by going for a walk!
  10. Or for that matter, any procedures that you use that produce a better edge?
  11. Ok… I realize that I will most likely get as many different answers as responses to this question, but I am curious. Sharpening oil… I realize that most any will do the job, but I figure some might be better than others. What type or brand do you use or recommend?
  12. I did a bit of searching and all I can find is a reference to Star Wars and that Cuarson is a sur name...
  13. Welcome aboard! Look forward to seeing some of your work
  14. Fantastic piece!! Congrts on the win!!! (What's up with the font sizes? I had to edit the post and enlarge it so that it could be read!)
  15. Thanks for the Welcome! Woody ~ Is'nt Manchester up by Port Orchard? Stelmackr ~ Thanks for the link! Was looking around for local leather groups but had not found any.
  16. WOW.... that is all I can say... first briefcase project... Awesome job!!
  17. Welcome aboard! I'm at the same starting point as you. Enjoy!! I know I am!
  18. Welcome aboard! I'm new to the forum as well... there appears to be a great group of people on here and providing a lot of awesome information!
  19. Thanks for the welcome! Duke ~ I am in Spanaway, just south of Tacoma immiketoo ~ I have been doing a lot of reading on this site and that was one of the first things that I became aware of. Not all tools are created equal! Do you have a perticular barnd that you find best and are there any you recomend I stay away from?
  20. Bob - That came out fantastic! I have to agree that the hammered background effect is stunning. Thanks for posting
  21. It is very rare that someone can support themselves with the income generated from an artistic “hobby”. My wife is an artist and is considered moderately “successful” by other artists. We do several high end shows each year where there are 100+ artists & craftsmen participating, out of those artists less than 5% are able to make enough to support themselves. The rest either have day jobs or are supported by their spouse.For most people it is not about making money, but rather doing something you enjoy. (But a little extra cash does not hurt!)
  22. Very good info! My wife is an artist and we deal with several galleries, both in and out of state and you hit the key points to watch out for right on the head. There are just as many bad galleries out there as there are good. The average take by galleries ranges from 30%-50% and seems to depend on where they are located. If you go down the retail road be sure to keep tabs on what the gallery is doing to promote your work. I have encountered several occasions where the advertising and promotion was exceptional in the beginning, but stopped as soon as the gallery signed on another new artist. How well your product is marketed is directly reflected in your sales. If the sales drop suddenly odds are so did the marketing effort!
  23. Wow... that is great work! I can only hope to get to that level someday.
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