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    Indianapolis, IN

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  1. Oh, yeah - that's a great idea. This is a close-up of one of the corners, which I think is a pretty good representation of the whole problem. Thanks! Elizabeth
  2. Hi, everybody! Long-time listener, first-time caller here. And I could really use some help! I mostly sew bags and small accessories with new leather (and I really don't do any dying except for edges, etc.), so I'm pretty far out of my league on this one. I have a dog with major anxiety, and so I procrastinate cutting his nails for way too long. As a result, he has done some major damage to about 1/3 of a big, hunter green leather sectional couch. What would you all recommend I do to try to revitalize the couch? It has scratches all over it (as you probably guessed), so the scratched parts appear dry, kind of flaky (but not with actual flakes I guess), and lighter in color than the rest. Should I try to apply a light coat of hunter green dye on it? Some kind of finisher? Also, should I do whatever you recommend to the whole couch or just the sections that are damaged? I would be so grateful for any help! THANKS! Elizabeth
  3. Here are a couple of places I would recommend: http://www.pacifictrimming.com/default/hardware/rhinestone-buckle-closures.html?limit=all http://www.mjtrim.com/buckles?limit=all&product_material=3747 Elizabeth
  4. This leather is amazing. It is by far the most natural, LEATHER-looking lace I've ever seen - it's not waxy or plasticy at all. Depending on what you're going to use it for, though, it does stretch quite a bit. Also, it's pricey, but if you can open a wholesale account the prices are 50% of what is shown. Seriously, I LOVE this leather. http://www.ninadesigns.com/menu/leather_and_rubber_cord/ If you're looking for just round, high-quality cord, I second the Leather Cord USA recommendation. Elizabeth
  5. Hi, Ray! The keywords you want to use are more like "leather bracelet findings" - "findings" will be a more inclusive, general term since companies will list them as clasps, cord ends, etc.. Also, you probably need to look more at jewelry suppliers rather than leathercraft suppliers. There is a newer brand now that is pretty widely available called Regaliz, so you could google that, too. For instance, on Etsy, I entered "Regaliz leather findings" and there are 1500+ results: https://www.etsy.com...to=US&ref=auto3. Another common brand is TierraCast, but I think the Regaliz style ones are more likely what you have in mind. If you'd prefer to order from a company rather than sellers on Etsy, here are some other suggestions: http://www.fusionbeads.com/ http://www.beadaholique.com http://www.rings-thi...KigzCjzRDoUZQ.0 I hope that helps. Let me know if you need any more help! Elizabeth
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