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Everything posted by colescarvings

  1. They are amazing, Aaron and Janie run the place on their own plus help take care of their grandson and deal with out of state shows and events. i am a dedicated customer as they are dedicated providers.
  2. awesome, i wish they still carried that leather print.
  3. Thank you sir! that's exactly what i was looking for
  4. same problem here, the pdf is only partial, and the rest nothing will open them.
  5. for resist RTC is the best one that i have found. it doesnt take long to dry. i put a moderate coat on this, waited one hour and covered it with purple hiliter. this was the result.
  6. love this tutorial, finally i understand how to do the arrow. thank you
  7. yep, money order is a bit scary. good luck to the purchaser.
  8. cant wait for the web site to be up and running!
  9. YAY, i can see it now great idea michael
  10. THANK YOU CHIEF!!! you have no idea how valuable these are to new comers. and thank you so much for taking the time and caring enough to create them and to put them back up on you tube. you should not be apologizing to us.. the idiots that made the negative comments should be apologizing to you! it takes all kinds Ken, even the ones that make a hobby out of trying to put others down to cover up there own inadequacies. Thank you so much for being the kind of person you are and sharing your great talent and knowledge with those of us who appreciate you. Jan
  11. GAH!!! Ken, you removed your videos?? HELP!!! I didn't get to do the lacing yet. just starting it today and the videos are gone!! Please put them back?
  12. i tried for the first time the double loop lacing...............only to find out that there is a right side and wrong side to start on. naturally i started on the wrong side oh well, it still looks really good. today i'm going to try another trucker wallet and use your tutorial to do it,. when i get it right i'll start on the custom roper wallet. it's my first from scratch wallet.
  13. this is awesome, it just so happens that i have to do this on a roper wallet and i've never done it before and had no clue how. Thank you soooooooooo much Ken!
  14. here's the second try at it:
  15. thank you for the tips, i'll try that next time.
  16. nice. i clicked on it not knowing. i hope nothing grabbed me. my avg didn't alert me of anything on i t though. great work on the eye thing.
  17. just finished this doodle project, practicing for a pattern on my saddle i'm having made. i'm going to tool it myself. pretty excited about it.
  18. Thank you everyone. I used to do scrimshaw, pyrography, pen and ink, etc. ( I can not paint LOL) i was in an auto accident in 2007 and had to give up my art work, and then i met a saddle maker, and we became friends. she told me i should try it, because most of the work is done with the left hand (if you're right handed). so i did! and i love it. i've spent countless hours on youtube watching videos, and got a 3 month membership to the tandy on line library and learned a lot from there too. and read almost all of al stohlmans books, that my friend has loaned me.
  19. Thank you. I cant paint worth a darn, my mother and grandmother were very good at it. but the animals i could do fairly well. I wish i could figure out how to post another photo, i'd show you some of my pyrography projects that i just loved.
  20. I started carving/tooling leather in december of 2012. I've always been interested in art. scrimshaw, pen and ink, pastel chalks and pyrography. since an auto accident in 2007 rendered my fine motor skills in my right arm not so stellar anymore. I had to give up the above mentioned hobbies. Then a met a saddle maker who helped me with fitting my SUPER hard to fit prized mare maggie. Kris and i quickly became friends. she inspired me to try leather tooling. with my background, i decided i wanted to do the figure carving more than the tooling. i truly love carving leather and am slowly starting to do the tooling work also. when i can afford to buy all the stamps that i need lol these are some of my newest that i've done. and some beginning favorites.
  21. thank you and yes, it amazes me the doors that have opened to me. and if it werent for the grace of god, i would be dead. 99% do die in an impact like i experienced. i really do love creating things. i cant sew the leather so my saddle maker friend gives me projects to do the tooling on. i'll be tooling my own saddle soon, i'm very excited and nervous about that!
  22. Hi all and thank you for excepting me. I started tooling leather in december so i'm fairly new at it. i have experience in scrimshaw, pen and inks and pastel chalks (an auto accident put an end to doing those). so 6 yrs later I decided to try something new. i tool things for a local saddle maker, nose bands, brow bands, saddle decorations and other equine stuff. i'd like to learn to put things together and completely finish them. i am not a painter, that talent was given to mother and grandmother. i love carving leather and am just learning to stamp patterns like basket weaving, so that i can help the saddle maker more and also learning to do borders. here is one of my favorite carvings that i've done so far. it's a bronc nose band.
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