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About RandallFlagg

  • Birthday 10/24/1976

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  1. Thank you also! I wanted to add that maybe just sewing the slots together and the top corner could be rivited. this way you have behind the slots as holder as well. I was even thinking that sewing the bottom left slot all the way around to the T slot or just another slot cutting out a window, leave it plasticless and have a slide out id space. since the extra room of behind the slots will be there. Just suggestions. im gonna throw these on autocad and play with the design a little and post the finished piece. if it turns out great ill post the template with a definite shout out of gratitude to ducjes for the original template.
  2. they look great and functional to me. Don't see a reason for it to be stitched unless you like a stitched look. I have made a wide style adventurer watch band with just leather and rivets. They look great as is.
  3. I would like these as well. any chance someone still has them out there?
  4. I like the idea. Just 65$ seems steep.
  5. Looks good. Although i was always under the impression a cat O' nine tails was a whip with 9 ends. Does it have that name for a different reason?
  6. what filter did you use for the photos? the pics themselves are fantastic.Great job on the sleeve too.
  7. What size leather is used and what is the stitch style called? Id love to make one for my son, and nephews.
  8. what thickness of leather is used to make one?
  9. I imagined at first a purse with a MAC OS. lol. Very nice work. Wait am I on a british website? that looks like a wallet.
  10. I made one a week ago using BBs. What thickness leather did you use? And why the future switch?
  11. i followed a do it yourself dye recipe i saw online. I used rusted cast iron pot to reduce espresso coffee to the consistency of mud. applied the mud, then conditioned it with olive oil sealed it with parafin. I used a ball point pen (without ink ) to put in a scribble signature and used olive oil to darken the signature over and over giving it a slightly darker color than everything else. I actually had zero traditional tools except for my papaws old mallet and anvil with a flat chisel for the rivets. hand stitched. I don't really know how to use the awls or a machine. the back before the dye process. and before i sanded the edges to a consistent level. this also was before i knew about burnishing.
  12. I made this for my little brother to keep his antique money in. it's about 10 inches wide. I feel it would be good to carry as a shaving kit, or other travel personals.
  13. Hello im new to these forums. I come from the bushcraftusa forums where i learned to do leathercraft. My first ever leather project i did for a buddy's axe where his original cheap axe mask had become considerably damaged. I used it as a pattern and just winged it.
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