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    Buckinghamshire, UK
  • Interests
    Fly Fishing

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    Just about anything!
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  1. http://www.instructables.com/id/-5-Mallet-OR-How-to-Make-a-Leather-Handle/ I used an old chopping board!
  2. Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated.
  3. Thank you.
  4. Reduced a saddlebag pattern to make this as a Christmas present for a colleague.
  5. Followed an 'Instructable' to make this. Great fun project!
  6. Thanks, I appreciate it.
  7. Spent the morning at Tandy in Northampton - great fun portrait of Bramble later. Something else to practice!
  8. Something I've been wanting to do for a while. Christmas present to me!
  9. Found an old US army pattern and had fun with it.
  10. Holds I-Pad, mobile, purse/wallet. even made the brassware. Up cycled some reins for the strap, full wells and champagne corks for the handle.
  11. Thanks for the kind words. Vikefan. Good call on the fittings, the ones on the webbing are plastic but from a military supplier and the main catch is a high spec aluminium buckle used by riggers and tree surgeons. I'm using brass on my current project and am experimenting with aging/dulling techniques. Ammonia & salt solution next. Should be smelly!
  12. Thanks Capt'n My understanding is that a haversack is where soldiers carried their 'possibles'. The plans have dimensions for salt and cutlery bags which fitted each side of the main campartment. The mobile and tablet pouches are my touches. I read somewhere that the front flap is larger partly to keep the rain out and partly so that it could be used as a small ground sheet to sit on whilst still being able to access the contents of the bag. Today I suppose it comes under the catch all of "Messenger Bag" as the main care is large enough for documents or a small laptop. Cheers ps which is your chief weapon, fear or surprise?
  13. Based on drawings of the early US Army haversack with my own twist. Apart from the inner flap all the leather is from the same skin and has been dyed, oiled and saddle soaped in the same way. I really like how each section has taken on it's own patina. im really pleased with how it's turned out. Hope you like it.
  14. My wife and I will be visiting DC, New York & Maine next summer and I wondered if there is machine (new or refurbished) and materials supplier anyone could recommend that would be worth a visit? It would be great to visit any makers with outlets in the area as well.
  15. Spent a great morning with Roy and the team at Tandy in Northampton, many thanks. Then had a play. Very rough but I'm please with them as first attempts.
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