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  1. Greetings yall! First of all I want to say that I'm sorry if I duplicate posts but I simply don't have time to read through all the forums. I'm wondering where is a good place to find quality leather for belts at a good price. I bought some scraps from Tandy (5 lbs of leather strips). Are these any good? I have been waiting for over 2 weeks and it's still not here. Is this typical of Tandy? I appreciate any advice.
  2. I'm just looking for the basics for now like: Multi strap end punch English point punches Strap cutter Oblong punches (1/2"-1") Sewing awl Edge beveler I don't know what its called but the thing that protects your hand (righty) while you hand sew That's all I have for now because I only know what I need when I don't have it and that's happening in stages. I'm only trying to make plain belts for now and will see where that takes me. Once I get these I know ill run into a whole new set of items I need! Thanks for the reply
  3. Sending message
  4. I am looking for some tools for belt making. I probably can't afford a whole lot at this time, so individual items are welcome.
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