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About deborah195412

  • Birthday 12/12/1954

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Pensacola, Fl.
  • Interests
    Working with leather,BDSM Lifestyle, Metal Detecting,Scuba Diving,Fishing,Boating and too many others to list.

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Fetish- restraints, collars, floggers, whips.
  • Interested in learning about
    how to do better braiding work
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I am using Fiebings light brown spirit dye. When applied with dauber it goes instantly to a dark brown. Same results with their purple dye. Is there any way apply these colors and have the desired shade be lighter color ? I am applying it to tooled veg.tan leather.
  2. These cuff bases were made from 3 layers of garment weight leather. The straps were made of 2 layers of garment weight leathers glued and sewn back to back. The leather of this type and colors can be purchased from The Hide House. https://hidehouse.com/
  3. Thanks everyone. I'll try to hold off till I can get a better machine.
  4. I have a chance to purchase my 1st true leather machine. There are 2 available used Singer machines. One is a model 29-4 the other is a 29k70. Due to my inexperience, I'm not sure which would be the the better machine. Can anyone steer me in the right direction?
  5. I have 2 questions. 1 ) Why do some leathers have a distinct leather smell and other leathers not have much smell at all. 2 ) Can a leather scent be restored once the smell has become weak. These probably sound like stupid questions, but I have had customers ask me these questions and I would like to be able to provide answers when asked.
  6. I use the caped rivets, which are totally smooth. I've worn them myself and had no chaffing at all. The rivets are nickel plated steel. The only possible problem I could think of would be if someone were allergic or sensitive to nickel. If you run into a problem like that, sew the suede lining in after riveting to keep the rivets away from making contact with bare skin.
  7. A collar and cuff set I recently completed.
  8. I am sewing 3.5-4 oz garment leather the maximum layer thickness would be 3/16 - 1/4 inch. Will the 15-91 handle a job like this until I can afford to get an industrial machine. A neighbor has a nice 15-91 she will let me have for $100. I would appreciate any input from people that have used a 15-91. Thanks.
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