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Everything posted by coop

  1. Got the designs cut in yesterday, I have some scrap designs that I am testing different tooling on to see which work best. This is only the second design that I have used a swivel knife on and really need to upgrade the blade when I get more funds .
  2. I haven't had any ill effects from the Saral as of yet (nothing embedded in the leather). I was reccomended it by a buddy that makes saddles and before I was referred to this site by Cyber and learned about the duct tape method. I draw everything I do and then trace it onto tracing paper to clean it up. I just figured it was a given that the person would be familar and able to draw the design, at least practice it on scrap first?? If I have issues with the Saral I will convert to the duct tape myself.
  3. I have been using Saral (grey) non-wax on dry leather to transfer my designs with the stylus. You can use the same sheet three or four times and once it is cut I go over it with a large red eraser and it removes any traces that are left.
  4. I think so too, that's why I am making sure I get the tools that will give me the best definition for the effect. I think the matted bevelers in combination with the smooth will give me that. How are you applying the latex?
  5. I had thought about coloring them but I am using Angelus Scarlet Red for the D and Antique Gold for the T. I didn't want to take away from the logo, (which is a band logo) and have the flames appear as you got closer to it. If I did the flames in red it would wash the D and then I would have to tie the logo and flames together and that seems too busy. Does that make sense? I'm open to ideas Also just got in the hobby latex to use as a block.
  6. I'll pick some up this eve. Going to be next week before I can get back to it anyway. Thanks!!
  7. I have the bevelers with the hatching on them, I'm thinking of getting the smooth ones for this design. The backgrounders I have a the pebble type, E294.
  8. I am working on a strap for a friend and I was wondering what would be the best tools to use for this design? The strap will be black, the flame and design will be raised, the flames stay black and the letters will be antique gold. I want to just fade it into the strap instead of doing a border. I have a couple tools B701, B205, and A104. I'm sure that I can do it with what I have I was just looking for different opinions. Thanks
  9. I think I'll try the Angleus Antique Gold, looks nice. The way you left the center of the crosses black really makes them pop. Thanks for the info!
  10. That turned out awesome, I would like to start incorperating more colors, the gold looks great! Where do you purshase your acrylic from? I am doing a Spector logo on a strap and it would look sharp in gold.
  11. I have someone that asked for a 60" from hole to hole. What would the measurements of the main strap be? I guess if you made it 52" and the buckle strap 14" that would give you enough adjustment.
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