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Sam 9

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About Sam 9

  • Birthday 09/06/1965

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern California
  • Interests
    All art forms, Nature.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything Leather related
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google search

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Member (2/4)

  1. Where's the like button, cause it's awesome. Congrats!
  2. Sam 9


    Like the yellow.
  3. Sam 9


    That is cool.
  4. Great method, I'll try it, thanks a lot Dwight. I checked out your webpage, you have some very nice work. Sam
  5. Thanks Chuck, I'll try that. There are pouches with the rivets on the outside but I think that makes the pouch flatter. The one I want to make is rounded, I believe they might of molded it, to keep it's shape. Thanks again. Sam
  6. Hi guys this is my first post. I hope I could get some help with this. My brother has a leather tool pouch that's about worn out, he asked me if I could make him a replacement, so I told him I would give it a shot. It's a simple pouch here's a picture of it, well this one is new. (see attachments for original). The sides and bottom are riveted not sewn, my question is how do I set the rivets on something like this. The first side I imagine would be easy because I have access but the second side I wouldn't have normal access to because it would be enclosed. Thanks for any help.
  7. There is some really amazing work being done by the members here, like this piece, just incredible.
  8. That's pretty bad ass.
  9. Hello folks, this looks like a great place. I'm a rookie from So. Cal. Happy leather working! See you around the board. Cheers! Sam
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