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    Leatherwork, outdoors, nature photography

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    just learning
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    all aspects of leather craft
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  1. wmarshall


    http://www.ebay.com/itm/151398654901?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 lots of stamps strap cutter couple swivel knives small letter set large letter set and alot more This set is great for a beginner i probably have 5-600 dollars worth of tools here, selling for 150.00 and ill cover the shipping, the link above is to the ebay auction, that way its secured by both ebay as well as paypal!!! there are a coupe pics on the ebat link.
  2. i was thinking 225 and id take care of the shipping. they are also up on ebay for same price free shipping there as well. http://www.ebay.com/itm/151398654901?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  3. I am selling my leatherworking tools. Need the cash to get small buisness up and running. http://s73.photobucket.com/user/weaglem2011/library/?sort=9&page=1
  4. Oh ok sorry, yeah i was going to but, then Knowticed that the IMG is active in the forums, so used that instead. Thanks ReneeCandy, I,m having fun learning how to make this stuff.
  5. wait you cant se ethe Picture?
  6. thanks yeah almost done the straps are cut and drying, will finish these soon.
  7. that is absolutly gorgeous, one of the best pieces ive ever seen!!!
  8. Here is a set of Leather Shoulder Spaulders i am making. The starps are drying should ghave them on by tonight or tomorrow morning. I textured it to look somewhat like lizard skin, not bad i think for first attempt. Straps
  9. Here is a almost complete Bracer, I'm still awaiting my 1/4 inch eyelet setter to come in the mail, asthe one i have now is too small for the job at hand. I saw thses on the tandy website, and decided to make a green pair, rather than the ones they have on the site. Tell me what you think?? I will also be placing two brass snaps on wrist, so it will be laced up and snaped to arm. The photos are to big to upload so i attacked link to photobucket.
  10. Ill take invite as well
  11. Good Job, I like it .
  12. I find when looking for ideas look up various coloring pages on Google. I'm sure you can find some ideas with starfish and shells.
  13. Hello i recently came across, a few of my Grandfathers old leather working patterns. Theses are the old Craftaid Plastic rub in designs with patterns included. So im excited to use these to make some of the various belts handbags, and wallets. I did notice though that i have a double of Craftaide No. 2985. http://s29.photobuck...G_3764.jpg.html http://s29.photobuck...G_3763.jpg.html This is a Rose pattern plastic rub on, carving design, with complete pattern for making a vintage Ladies handbag. I was hoping to come across someone that might want for there collection, that is willing to do a straight trade for one of there patterns. The craftaide patterns that i have and am there for not interested in are the following. Craftaide No. 2985 2815 3207 2683 4070 2671 2130 2960 2540 4160 I also have two other plastic tracing rub ons but do not know the numbers as they have no paper with em, one is a belt with cowboys & steers in the desert with cactus's around. The other is wallet rub on design on one side has horse surrounded by floral pattern, and on other side has same horse with fowl surrounded by same floral design. So please post here if the is any interest in this template/pattern.
  14. Very nice , i Can't wait. My goal i gave myself when i started leather work, was that i can make my own costume for next years fair. This would be great, are you at the southern cali fair?? I was there opening day on the 6th. Would like to go one more time before it ends in may. Anyway enough of my rambling, can't wait to see the pattern pack!!
  15. Cool deal thanks
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