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lorraine g

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About lorraine g

  • Birthday 03/30/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Aberdeen Scotland
  • Interests
    dogs, cats, animals, Mazda MX5 (miata) leather work

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    just learning
  • Interested in learning about
    all of it
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    search engine

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  1. oh thats a shame. some moral support would have been good. being left handed is a bugger with some tools. the safety beveler tool in particular. when I rule the world, it will be left handed. So what sort of things do you make might I ask?
  2. Hi Martin there is a church on King Street along from Lidl, just as you drive over the bridge at Bridge of Don. St Ninians. It's about a 2 minute walk from my house. A colleague saw they had an even on and thought i might be interested. It's on Saturday 18th November 2-4pm. come along and see what its like. Ive only done one before but it was very posh and a bit cliquie. Well I thought anyway. DJole, and Zuludog, I have been watching Ian Atkinson and Neil Armitage and bought their instructions. I'd love to make boxes but they seem a bit too advanced for me just now. I've done a few dog collars which i like doing. I never think my edges are good though. I'm left handed and I find some of the tools are for right handed folk. Thank kind of annoys me as it makes life hard sometimes. I'll go and brows you tube and see what i cam come up with. Thanks for the pointers
  3. Hi all. Been learning about leather work as a weekend hobby for a couple of years. I've made easy bags, diary covers, dog collars and some simple bits n pieces. Pics later. My question is, what else can I try my hand at. I seem to have no imagination and just see what someone has made and try it myself. As I live in the UK anything to do with guns and even knives is pointless. I'm going to a craft fair in month so keen to make things for that. I make square and heart shaped keyrings for the Airedale Terrier of Scotland Club which are sold via the club. My airedale is called Fudge. https://en-gb.facebook.com/fudgeandme/ there are some pics of the things I've done here. So I'm looking for some inspiration, ideas, suggestions, either for new items or how to improve what I'm doing. I'd really appreciate your views. Thanks from sunny Scotland (insert happy face)
  4. Well I eventually got round to trying this out. So far so good with the practice piece. If I wanted to make it wide enough to hold notes unfolded, would everything stay the same other then the middle part?it makes sense in my head anyway.
  5. Hi Scott. I take it you mean the one worth no sewing and the slatted sides? If it is I have no plans for the bag other than to sell it. Send me a PM if you want to discuss it more? I think I might try making more as this was the first attempt. Thanks. L
  6. Hi Scott. Thanks for the kind comment. Which bag were you meaning? Maybe I should add titles to the pictures? Doh! Please forgive my newness
  7. Yes indeed. That is Fudge my 4 year old Airedale sporting her new collar. I've made lots of dollars but never any that I've painted like this. As for the wallets.......I bought a template for a wallet and using veg tan leather I decided to do some very abstract painting. The other more formal painted thing is a passport cover that still had to be seen up. I wish I could make things better though
  8. He'll fellow leather workers. I've been pottering with leather for a couple of years and have taught myself everything I get wrong! The wonders of you tube! Below is a selection of things I've done.
  9. Thanks very much guys. I'll try that tomorrow. I'm going to try and upload pictures of some of my things I've made. I guess I need to resize every thing though.......
  10. Thanks for that Scoot. Do you have the measurements for this? A few of the ones I have seen on pinterest etc have lining material as made with fabric and I just want leather with no lining,other than a second flap. Does that make sense?
  11. Sandra. My problem had been knowing where the folds are and how to secure the inner layer to make the flap on the inside. Very frustrating indeed!
  12. Hi there. A small request from sunny Scotland. I have been trying to make the this purse for ages but can never get the folds in the right place. I have looked online but I can't seem to make sense of the instructions. If someone out there can help this damsel in distress is be soooooo happy.
  13. I have some rainbow hemp winging its way to me as I type! Thanks for the tip! I do use waxed thread from Tandy but it is expensive and a small reel. I am looking forward to seeing how the hemp works out. Thanks again.
  14. This is the item with the thread I want.
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