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Everything posted by tossik

  1. Hi everyone, There is a J. D. Randall Co. Cast Iron Leather Splitter skiver model 8802 8" on ebay right now: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-J-D-Randall-Co-Cast-Iron-Leather-Splitter-skiver-model-8802-8-blade-/191280480073?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item2c89347f49 I was wondering if anyone knows what is the max one should pay for one in that shape? I want to bid, but dont know if it is worth it. Thanks!
  2. Photos I found on google when I was searching for leather wallet ideas
  3. Tried it last night and worked great! Linen thread worked best as all others I have looked flat. Thanks everyone.
  4. Awesome! Thank you guys, ill test it out tonight!
  5. JLSleather, okay I will try that once I get home. So one needle then? Grumpy Coyote, How do you do a lock stitch? Sorry I'm fairly new to stitching
  6. Is there more information I can read about it, google not coming up with anything.. I really like it!
  7. Oh! okay I see what you're saying! the way I did this wallet is that it does not cross the end piece, but rather stays 1/4" away from the end (for looks). But yes, the one I will do that has transition, I will definitely do that. Thanks!
  8. I saw this wallet, and it has nice braided stitch, yet the back is regular straight stitch. this is not saddle stitch is it?
  9. Thanks DavidL. The clip is a spring mechanism that clips money as you pull it down into place. What do you mean have the stitch centered?
  10. Finished my first wallet over this weekend. Chrome tan leather, hand stitched and waxed with beeswax/oil mix. Holds up to 8 cards comfortably and about 10 bills. What do you guys think?
  11. Found this online: http://www.sheridanleather.com/J_D_Randall_Co_Krebs_Style_Splitter_9_Blade_p/dt-32-d.htm Is it worth that much money? or is it over priced?
  12. J Hayes I've been checking daily, as well as other auction places.. not a very common thing to go on sale...
  13. Wow Big Sioux Saddlery, you seem to have a nice collection of splitters! Got one laying around that you'd wanna sell?
  14. So many options! Ill be going crazy soon!
  15. Thanks for the advice guys, I will contact Bruce, and hopefully he can point me in the right direction. Hunhunt, how much did you pay for your chase? how big is it and whats the widest piece you split? does it do lap skive?
  16. J Hayes if you had to pick, would you stay with your Weaver Heritage or Osborne 84?
  17. Thanks Steve, but that thing is $1500 out of my price range Maybe once I do more commissioned work, I will be able to afford something like this
  18. XTAG, what thickness were you trying to do on the chrome tan? I see a osborne 84 on ebay right now, for $600, and not sure if its worth grabbing... This is so difficult!
  19. Thanks Jeremy, if none of them pull more than 3-4", should I look for a 6" machine or try find an 8"? I dont need edge skive, I was referring to lap skive. Would you pick osborne or Weaver?
  20. Hi everyone, I have been searching for a nice leather splitter, and with so many options and so little description, it is very hard to pick one. I have been doing belts lately from veg tan 9-12oz that I would ideally split into 9oz. I have also been doing camera straps and wallets out of chrome tan leather and I have a 8-9oz piece that I want to split down to around 3-4oz. Ability to skive the edge would be great as well. I do know chrome tan is very soft, so not sure how well it splits. I have around $400 budget for a machine. Any advice? What should I avoid? What should I look for? should I get Osborne 86, 86a, 84, or weaver or tandy one or a hand roller kind? I am really lost. Please help! Also maybe someone is trying to sell a splitter, then pm me. Thank you all!
  21. I am looking for a leather splitter / skiver such as osborne or weaver or alike. Let me know what you have and how much you are asking. I have money on hand and can make purchase fast. Thank you for your time!
  22. Can anyone help me with a holster to carry IWB in the back, not on a side? Can any one post any sample works or perhaps a pattern that I can modify/use. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Hmmm. Okay almost same case as me Time to put the creative juices flowing and get something setup for easier work flow!
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