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Everything posted by tossik

  1. Well that would be nice, but I am still thankful for the picture you attached. Question- what do you guys use to punch holes with? I got a few hand held punches that I just made a pouch for (http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=56914) but its all free hand and always not aligned. If I want to do a belt, how and with what should I punch the holes with? The rivets need small holes, but all i see is 1/4 inch hole punches for the press...
  2. That is perfect. I think I can get an adapter milled. Thank you so much Sylvia for the photo!
  3. Sylvia, can you tell me how the dies are attached to the press? is it thread? if so what is the size of it? Any chance for a photo? I was thinking that perhaps I can use the these dies (can't beat $20 per set) and fit them into the CS Osborne press. This way I can use the press for my makers mark as well as all the riveting and snapping tools.
  4. Sylvia, what deal did you broker for the green one? I need something for rivets and snaps. Thanks for the info though ill be calling Dave about the press. What do people use to press down a makers mark? Seems like these presses don't have a lot of room for a makers stamp. I looked at a CS Osborn W-1 but it looks pricey. I'm just lost right now. I have some money saved up, but don't want to be throwing it out Thanks for the help!
  5. I am looking to get a rivet and snap press, and these prices are very appealing. Question, is it worth spending extra $50 and get the PM5 Grommet & Snap Press Machine or should I just get the back one for $60?
  6. Hey everyone, I see myself using a lot of rapid rivets and snaps as well as hole punching in the future and I just need something that would make a cleaner and faster job than by hand. My local leather shop has the W-1 for $180, but it seems dies are very expensive for them. Is this press worth the cost? Is there a good alternative? I don't want to spend to much, but if this, or other press is worth it then I'll get it. Thanks for your help!
  7. Camerius, thanks for the info! and yes if you can find out more on the types of waxes, I would really appreciate it!
  8. tossik

    Draw Gauge

    Thanks for the advice guys, I'm trying to find the pro strap cutter but only see the Tandy version. Can anyone share the link the the pro one. Thanks!
  9. Video: What do you think the person used as a mix that he melted wax with?
  10. tossik

    Draw Gauge

    Hi everyone, I want to buy a tool for cutting straps. I see that two main kinds are metal draw gauges and wood ones. What is better? Pros/cons for each? Or should I stick with a ruler and a sharp blade? Thanks!
  11. If I get two irons right now, what spi should I get from a maker such as dixons? I am in the Northern USA.
  12. Macca, lol I like your joke. But no, nothing bulky, I like clean smooth lines, almost like machine sewn. I will be making sleek, modern looking items. What is the best place to buy irons such as dixon?
  13. As a beginner that will be making wallets and belt, what spi iron would you guys recommend I get?
  14. Hi everyone, I have been reading the forums for a while now, and been slowly practicing leatherwork. Thank you all for your posts, makes learning so much easier! I have a question about stitching irons. I want to buy one but with so many options and styles, I dont know what is right. I know that Vergez Blanchard Pricking Irons are the best, but I cannot afford $200 per iron. I went on ebay and saw these: http://www.ebay.com/itm/White-Steel-Stitching-Lacing-Punch-Chisel-Sets-2-5-10-prong-tooth-leathercraft-/181412079460?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a3d00a764 Has any one tried them before? are they any good? is there any other kind I should get? Should I get diamond style or flat? I am mainly doing modern style wallets with this thread, some knife sheaths, bets, and dog collars. Please help! Thanks!
  15. Both knives are SOLD. Thank you all. I'll come back if I get more knives to share.
  16. Well this escalated quickly! I did not come here to upset anyone or to sell things under others names. I never said they were original designs. I said they the style was from online. For me a tool is a tool. My brother does not make knives as a business. He made them for me because I know he makes great things. The only reason I am selling them because they are 5" and I want something close to 3-4" blade. For people that found where the design came from- thank you for bringing the credit into this post. They do great work, and deserve all the credit. I am not here to sell hundreds of these knives. I have 2. I don't want to sell to someone that just wants them out from the internet because the design is a copy (go on ebay and see copies). I want this tool to be used by someone that will appreciate it, and not hate on it. My brother spent a lot of time working on them, so I want the tools to go to the right home. To be fair, most blades are copies of other blades. So, even if my brother would have changed the design a bit, there would always be someone that would say that the blade is a copy of something else. If a blade is super unique then put a patent on it. Otherwise, expect copies of it. Thank you all.
  17. Hi everyone, I have two very beautiful head knifes for sale. My brother made them based on designs found online. They are extreemely sharp. I can provide more pictures and videos per request. Details: Custom 5" head knifes for me. 15n20 steel from an old lumber mill saw. The top knife has exotic Bocote wood from Central America Bottom handle is from Chechen (Caribbean Rosewood) found in Cuba. Custom copper mosaic pins. 60-61 HRC (hardness). Asking $115 each w/ free shipping around USA. Paypal only. Please PM. Head Knife by Tolik Pugach, on Flickr
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