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About jamesn

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    S.E. Wisconsin

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  • Interested in learning about
    Carving & Tooling Leather, Holster making
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    google search

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  1. I recently put together a couple of purses for my wife and daughter-in-law. The purses are made from some designer leather I bought over the holidays from a Tandy leather sale. I think it is chrome tanned and about 5-6oz. The first one constructed was the brown tone one. For both i used pattern I had from Tandy leather. I purchased a purse liner to use in this one and salvaged the back zippered pouch from another purse. I struggled with installing the purchased liner. The second purse constructed was the grey tone one using the same pattern. I made some changes on how I constructed it including made my own back zippered pouch and purse liner with top zippered closure. The top zippered closure still looks bulky to me. Had to figure out how to pipe the seams and roll the edges with this leather and the inability to finish the raw edges. Did the best I could. Could also use some suggestions on how to make a better top zippered closure and purse liner. Thanks for looking Jim
  2. I would like to be added as well.
  3. Thanks for everyones great input, it's just what I was looking for. After I dye a belt with fiebings dyes they get very dry and stiff. It was mentioned to oil/condition before applying finish. What type of oil or conditioner is used and how much is applied? Thanks Again Jim
  4. In what order do you tackle the steps in making a lined belt. The below is not in any order. Stamp pattern on belt Dye belt Glue lining to top Stitch lining to top Cut to length Punch prong holes finish edges apply finish to belt anything else I could not think of. Thanks for your input. Jim
  5. Thanks for the welcomes, I am located in S.E.Wisconsin. I've seen alot of very nice items created by members on the forum. When I get up the nerve I will post the what I have put together in the last month since I have started trying my hand at Holster making. Thanks Again Jim
  6. I Have been interested in leather work for a while and thought I would finally try my hand at it. I bought the Al Stohlman holster making guide, some tools, leather and dye. I put together 4 holsters so far. 2 with some carving and two basket weave stamped. The last one I created my own pattern for a 3 inch S&W K frame. I really enjoyed it and will have another started tonight for a 6 inch S&W K frame. I am looking to learn alot from the wealth of knowledge that posts on this forum and I have alot to learn. Jim.
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