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Mike 257

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About Mike 257

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/19/1962

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Kansas City Mo

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  • Interested in learning about
    Holster Making
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    A friend

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  1. Thank you Bob, What you said makes a lot of sense to me. So for now I will continue tooling others patterns and learn the tools . Heck I have tools (Some stamps) that I dont even know where there suppose to be used . Also have to learn how to keep tools sharp, Im also working on my hand stitching and I haven't even touched dye yet , So Im a bit relieved that you say its ok to use existing patterns because I already have a lot to learn .
  2. Thank you , your insight was very help full . Gave me something to think about ,
  3. ok I have a question, I could never draw and never had a reason or desire to learn. Now that Im just getting into leather work I decided I wanted to learn tooling. I figured that I would just use patterns but now after only a few weeks Im feeling like Im cheating by tracing someones pattern on my leather and calling it "My Work" So my question is , can I learn to draw Sheridan style patterns.
  4. I would be interested in buying one of these . Would be great if you could break one down and sell it as a kit .
  5. I just got my Barry King maul (tapered) , Im getting used to it. I find myself not holding it in the right angle and seems like I had a few miss strikes . When I am conscious of how Im holding it , then it is very comfortable to use. I am thinking of ordering a straight one just so I have both .
  6. Mrtreat. Im in the same boat as you . Im an absolute beginner but I have been lurking around here about a year now. My intentions are to make holsters and eventually become good enough where I can sell them, Recently I have taken an interest in tooling . I also decided to buy good tools . Finally last week I started ordering my stuff, I went with Barry King 16oz tapered Maul Barry King 7/16 swivel knife with 3/8 thin blade 4 Clay Miller stamps 10 assorted cheap stamps bought off facebook leather forums Gomph #5 over stitch wheel from Bruce Jonson Gomph #2 edger Stinger Awl from Bearman Douglas Awl blade from Sheridan <------ Still on backorder 25 John James harness needles Ritza 0.8mm thread Stitch Clamp made by me 8" Compass I ordered a headstone today that I will use for a tooling bench then reuse as my headstone when I die. Im even thinking of having the one side filled out and leave the end date open .
  7. Im almost done with mine . I made it out of oak
  8. Im thinking of ordering a BK as my first knife , Not sure about sizes yet.
  9. Im hoping to eventually be able to produce holsters that are good enough to sell. I want to learn everything by hand before I buy a $3,000 sewing machine. Not to mention i want to make sure im going to like this before i invest a ton. I would like to buy a Bear Man maul and a really nice swivel knife but im going to hold off and concentrate on hand sewing. I will play with the basket weave stamp untill i learn how to use it, then I might try my hand at swivel knife.
  10. Ok so im having an Awl made by Bearman, I ordered a Douglas blade for it. I purchased a Gomph #5 overstitch wheel and Gomph #2 edger from Bruce Johnson. I ordered one basket weave stamp from Clay Miller. Im thinking im going to use a braided waxed thread but i dont know what sizes are used for holsters.
  11. wow very nice, I like the one with the darker background better .
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