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Canadian Leathercraft

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    The Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft (CSCL) is a group of leather crafters dedicated to creating beautiful leather articles, teaching the craft of leatherwork, and promoting learning!

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    Through Tundra Leather

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  1. Definitely would be nice if you were closer, but I'm sure there are lots of places in the U.S. that can help you out with all sorts of leatherwork. Best of luck!
  2. Tundra Leather definitely has all of the information and supplies you need. They're located in downtown Hamilton and will have the knowledge and skills to work you through any project! 313 King Street East, Hamilton, ON L8N 1C1 (if you're putting it into your GPS, make sure you put in the postal code, or it'll take you to Stoney Creek) Best of luck! CSCL
  3. Interested in making your own tough and beautiful bridle leather belt? Peter Grove (from Tundra Leather, in Hamilton, Ontario) is instructing a Belt Making Workshop, at Needlework Fabric Shop (Hamilton, Ontario), on June 4th, 2013. Time: 6-9pm. Cost: $65+tax. See the link below to register for this great workshop!! http://iloveneedlework.com/class/leather-belt/ If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact Needlework: Phone: 905-667-5663 Email: hello@iloveneedlework.com Website: http://iloveneedlework.com Or contact Tundra Leather: Phone: 905-527-7745 Email: info@tundraleather.ca Website: http://www.tundraleather.ca
  4. Hi Everyone! We are the Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft. We've been around since 1950, and have been focused on teaching and learning ever since!! We've got three Ontario Guilds, and members at large across the country. Check out our updated website: http://www.canadianleathercraft.org Or find us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/canadianleathercraft We're looking for new members to share in the teaching and learning! Please check out our website, and like us on facebook! It will keep you updated on new and upcoming Workshops, to work on your skills! Let us know if we can be of any help! Best of luck with your leatherwork! Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft (CSCL)
  5. Hi Shawn! Leatherworker.net has some amazing work and some amazing ideas. It will definitely spark your interest and keep you going. Also check out The Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft. We've got three Ontario Guilds, and members at large across the country. Check out our updated webiste: www.canadianleathercraft.org Or find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/canadianleathercraft Let us know if we can be of any help! Also, there is a great store in Hamilton, Ontario, if you're ever in the area. It's called Tundra Leather, and they provide excellent advice to beginners all the way up to master leathercrafters. You can find them at www.tundraleather.ca, or www.facebook.com/tundraleather Best of luck with your leatherwork! Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft (CSCL)
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