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    making chaps

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  1. so a conway buckle doesn't have the potential to come apart under pressure? where would I be using the screws if I use a conway buckle?
  2. thank you
  3. So buckle with rivets would be safer than conway? & what do I need to put on rivets? I have a nice solid length of 13oz 1" harness leather that I was planning to cut to length to use. also - what size rivets, or how do I figure that out?
  4. I want to make a nightlatch for riding. Have seen several different designs, but really it is just something to hold on to if my horse goes bronc on me. I do not do any heavy leatherwork. All this is, is essentially a belt of the appropriate length to go around the pommel of the saddle & have something to grab if I need it. I have seen some simple ones like that, but they have a roller buckle & I'm trying to minimize the tools etc needed. I have a hole punch & that's about it. Can I use a conway buckle? Would that stay closed if it is getting abruptly yanked on w/ a fair bit of force?
  5. Thank you
  6. I am looking at making a pair of chaps for myself. I have made them for my daughter in the past, but I would like the heavier veg tanned leather yoke on mine. Hers were horsemanship chaps with the lighter yoke out of the same leather as the chaps. I do not do this often enough to warrant buying a different machine. Made the others on an old singer 15-91. So... Is there ANY way to do this without an industrial machine? Or are there places that rent them or time on them? Thank you for the help
  7. I have a singer 99-15. I used it several years ago to make horseshow chaps for my daughter. (suede). Worked beautifully. Unfortunately, since we kept feeding her, she has continued to grow. I need to make a new pair, but she would like to have the carved leather yoke on the top. Would this machine have any hope of doing that?
  8. yes, it is the one w/ the potted motor. And yes the post is tons of help. I'll probably ask tons more questions if it's ok once I get to actually sewing. I think I"m going to fit a muslin pair to her first. Even making them myself the things are going to be too expensive to screw up. I haven't bought a pattern yet, do you have any recommendations? and how is the fringe handled- just cut in or is it added on from a separate piece of material? I am assuming the pattern will give me a yardage or square footage estimate as well and the leather shop will help me translate that into the number or part of hide i would need?
  9. Thank you for the reply I have a singer 15-91 for quilting, will it do for occasional use to make these things (I am talking one pair a year tops- i am hoping to get every other year out of them). I know everyone here wants me to have a dedicated leather machine but it isn't happening for this.
  10. which old singer does she use? there are so many...
  11. I have to place zippers in them unfortunately
  12. If someone could help I would appreciate it. I am looking to make my daughters horsemanship chaps for showing. I have no plans/interest in doing any kind of other leatherwork beyond potentially some lightweight applique on the horsemanship shirts as well. The chaps would be the heaviest thing going and they will not be everyday work chaps. The entire reason for me doing it in the first place is she is growing like a weed and doesn't show that heavily, so I don't want to be forking out regularly for custom made show chaps, cost is an issue. Other show moms keep telling me they make their own on their home machines, but the one I quilt on will croak, it can barely do what it does now. So I need to know if the older singers can really do this kind of work? What kind of machine should I be looking for? I know it has been beaten to death, I have looked at the forums but you are talking way over my head for the most part. I am just starting to try and get a feel for what I will need to be doing. Need to learn about the different leathers too, so any advice there would be appreciated as well. A good number of the moms use ultrasuede but the idea kind of makes me shudder....
  13. If someone could help I would appreciate it. I am looking to make my daughters horsemanship chaps for showing. I have no plans/interest in doing any kind of other leatherwork beyond potentially some lightweight applique on the horsemanship shirts as well. The chaps would be the heaviest thing going and they will not be everyday work chaps. The entire reason for me doing it in the first place is she is growing like a weed and doesn't show that heavily, so I don't want to be forking out regularly for custom made show chaps, cost is an issue. Other show moms keep telling me they make their own on their home machines, but the one I quilt on will croak, it can barely do what it does now. So I need to know if the older singers can really do this kind of work? What kind of machine should I be looking for? I know it has been beaten to death, I have looked at the forums but you are talking way over my head for the most part. I am just starting to try and get a feel for what I will need to be doing. Need to learn about the different leathers too, so any advice there would be appreciated as well. A good number of the moms use ultrasuede but the idea kind of makes me shudder....
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