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Everything posted by Heiney

  1. Awesome thanks guys. Maybe I can get it done before Halloween haha
  2. I was going to use Chicago screws to attach the hardware to the liner so that the screws don't go all the way through the spine. The finished piece is what I'm going off of.
  3. That's great I love those types of stories. Even as a teenager I got along with adults better than people my age. I used to sit around and listen for as long as they would share. On another note I got a design and tooled it all up but now I need to figure out the inside. I don't know how to screw down the hardware and do the "hinges". Any suggestions?
  4. The thing about the Nuke program and subs is you have to volunteer for sub duty in boot camp and I've never been on a sub so I'm not sure. I'm 6'-6'1" and I've been told it'll be a tight fit for me. So I think I'll just stick with a carrier. I don't think boot camp will be too bad for me other than the cold. I'm from Arizona so the heat is no problem but I've never been in those wet negative temperatures so that will be the worst. Then I arrive in SC just in time for the wet heat haha.
  5. Snipe: thank you Chief. I was going to Arizona State for aeronautical engineering before I enlisted so I have a pretty good idea about most of the knowledge... At least I hope haha. Dan: Boot camp is now in Great Lakes IL. My Nuke school is right outside Charrelston SC. All 2 years of it. It's a great opportunity because I automatically go to boot camp as E-3 then after my first school (6 months) I auto promote to E-4, then another 10-12 months I'll be offered a 2 year extension of my contract, a 6 figure resign bonus and with another promotion to E-5 before I ever even hit the fleet. I'm excited to leave and can't wait to say I'm a Unites States Sailor! My dad was also a sailor during Vietnam so we have a good connection through this.
  6. Thanks for the reply! I am going in as a Nuke, not sure wether I'll get Nuclear MM, EM, or ET as I chooses/get assigned that in basic training and the same goes for subs. Later on after all my schools, when I know what Exact rate I'll be I'll make another full sized one that has my full rate with the symbols. I also would like to make a binder cover as a motivational folder. Just for those times when you're about to lose yourself you can look in there and remember why you're going down this path. Are you retired Navy? What's your rate? Thank you for paving the way for today's sailors.
  7. Any help with the one on the right? I'd really like to build one of these before I leave for the military. After January I won't even see my leather tools for about 2 years !
  8. Hey everyone Im having "artist block" if that's a thing haha. I am in the U.S. Navy and I'm leaving for basic training in January. Before I go I want to tool a journal to take with me to my A-school. I'm thinking of doing a small 3 ring binder set up with the hardware attached to the spine. I chose this set up so that it can be multipurpose (journal, workout log, day planner...) I know I would like to incorporate the anchor but I'm not sure where to go from there. I thought about a Sheridan style but I think I want this a little more origional, but at the same time I want the "D@MN" factor! Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thank you and HOOYAH!
  9. Hey everyone Im having "artist block" if that's a thing haha. I am in the U.S. Navy and I'm leaving for basic training in January. Before I go I want to tool a journal to take with me to my A-school. I'm thinking of doing a small 3 ring binder set up with the hardware attached to the spine. I chose this set up so that it can be multipurpose (journal, workout log, day planner...) I know I would like to incorporate the anchor but I'm not sure where to go from there. I thought about a Sheridan style but I think I want this a little more origional, but at the same time I want the "D@MN" factor! Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thank you and HOOYAH!
  10. Ok so I found this picture years ago and always loved it! Do any of you professionals have any ideas on how to start on this? I'm still a novice and have never made a mask before. I have a feeling that after this one I will want to make more. I'm thinking super hero masks (wolverine, ironman, thore). I know some of these could be considered helmets also but I would love to try it out. Thanks in advance!
  11. I'm interested in the Bond Arms and a Sig 1911 3" and full size. Thank you
  12. Thank you guys for the info! This guy has been know for thinking his touch turns everything to gold and "telling a story" to et something sold. That's why I asked the experts. I'll be taking a pass I this machine.
  13. Thank you so much for the info! In reading your advice I think I'll pass on this machine. It was very tempting as he said the guy he got it from used it in his saddle shop sewing seats and various other thinner parts. Plus it's the cheapest I've seen for an actual leather machine.
  14. So will I be able to find parts and everything I need? As stated by constabulary parts for an old machine could be hard to come by? I don't have the money for a $1500 machine right now, which is the cheapest I've seen used in my area. I'm not running a business yet so this with just be a hobby starter machine.
  15. Here are the pictures. Any info will help he is in a hurry to sell it and if I don't jump on it he'll get rid of it. Also I noticed everything but the machine itself is singer... Thank you
  16. Ok I got some more pictures and what looks to be a serial number. The number is 3800265. He dropped the price to $350. Will this be an economical machine for holsters and various small projects? I can't upload the pictures from my phone so I'll put them up when I get home.
  17. Thanks for the info. He said it still workes and sews. My main reason for interest was because the price. I haven't seen anything for under $2,000. That's way out of my price range. If you have any cheaper suggestions that would be awesome.
  18. Can anyone give me any info on this old sewing machine? I know it's a Davis and the motor works. I don't have any numbers yet but I may be able to get them in a few days. A friend of mine is asking $400 for it or he'll throw it in if I buy his truck haha. He said it came out of an old saddle shop and can sew up to 3/8". He said it just needs to be timed. Would this be a good buy for a beginner? I mostly build holsters and other various goods, nothing too thick. Also how much would it cost to have it "tuned up", or is that something a mechanically inclined person could do on his own? If not how about a place to take it around the eastern Phoenix AZ area? Thank you to all!
  19. Can anyone give me any info on this old sewing machine? I know it's a Davis and the motor works. I don't have any numbers yet but I may be able to get them in a few days. A friend of mine is asking $400 for it or he'll throw it in if I buy his truck haha. He said it came out of an old saddle shop and can sew up to 3/8". He said it just needs to be timed. Would this be a good buy for a beginner? I mostly build holsters and other various goods, nothing too thick. Also how much would it cost to have it "tuned up", or is that something a mechanically inclined person could do on his own? If not how about a place to take it around the eastern Phoenix AZ area? Thank you to all!
  20. Ok I know this is an old post but I just mixed a batch of "copperoon". I'll post back with results.
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