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  1. Wow nice pattern and great drawing. My patterns are somewhat taped together pieces of card stock and photocopies. I may try to make one of these as I've never made an avenger style. Thanks so much! I should have asked do you have a pic of one done?
  2. Color and finish on a more "traditional" design might be a better take. Coming up with a working design and style is sometimes the hardest part, and like said make sure you leave enough for a full grip and don't cover the mag release.
  3. Thanks for all the replies, I've came to the conclusion I just needed more practice and a sharper chisel. Sounds like it's hit or miss with some of the choices out there. I'm cutting them a little undersize and grinding them to where I want them.
  4. My apologies I completely missed the Tool forum, I probably should have posted this there. I appreciate the replies from all, I may give Texas Dies a call.
  5. Was the price fair from these guys?
  6. Okay I'm doing fairly well on most aspects of my holsters but these darn belt slots are my nemesis. I've conceded that I want to opt for a belt slot punch for 1.5" x .25 (or whatever their sizes run). I was looking on Springfield Leather where I've been buying most of my stuff and it's hard to tell the sizes, or they just list 1.5" and have a couple to pick from. I'm not sure what the difference is. Anybody have a link to a affordable quality punch, or part number? These are the two listed, I can't figure out what the difference is, maybe manufacturer I guess. http://springfieldleather.com/16316/Punch%2COblong%2C%23151%2C-1%22/ http://springfieldleather.com/16307/Punch%2COblong%2CHeavyDuty%2C-1%22/ Thanks Michael
  7. No I don't oil after finishing, I just noticed some people saying they did and I thought that was kind of odd. I was following Lobo's pancake tutorial and it mentions sealing with an acrylic (Resolene) and then final finishing (Bag Kote). So it's either but not both? Any benefits to one or the other? Sorry for the questions but so far I have Resolene, Bag Kote and Leather Sheen and I think I'm over-complicating as to what I should be using... Thanks for the info and patience to us new guys! So many ways people do things, making the holster is starting to seem like the easy part.
  8. Ok I'm pretty new here and I have read until my eyes bleed... well almost anyway. Finishing sequence and products? It seems that everyone has a favorite and maybe it doesn't matter. I'm building holsters so I'm looking for a durable but not glossy finish. I just got some of these products and want to make sure I'm doing them in the correct order. Right now I cut stitch and mold, then; Dye with Fiebing's Pro oil, let dry 24hrs (ish) Light coat of pure neatsfoot oil, let dry 24hrs Resolene (50/50 water) with a sponge, let dry 24hrs Bag Kote I've been reading some people are applying neatsfoot oil after finishing? I think I'm ok, dye, oil, seal, then final finish... Thanks, Michael
  9. SooperJake, Sometimes the simplest of ideas is the smartest. I've been trying to get my stitch lines by making holsters out of sheet foam and then modifying my template. I don't know why I think to just use a few scraps...
  10. The piece is both form and function. I like the way it looks mostly, it's dyed with Fiebings Pro Oil Mahogony, then neatsfoot oil, 50/50 resolene.
  11. I tried the same one on my first one. Drilled one side, used a diamond awl on the other. I drilled mine with about the same drill size (.062) and it looked like crap, the awl punched side looked way better but it was tough to do. I spent some quality time sharpening the awl (made a huge difference) and then saw the idea to chuck it up in the drill press (turned off) just to use the leverage to punch it through. Made all the difference, looks better and a whole lot easier, not to mention not stabbing yourself. I would say very good for a first attempt. I'm on my 5th and 6th ones now, each time I mold one I modify my template just a bit trying to improve the fit and appearance. Did you form it with the safety on or off? Also I would say add some curve or swoop to the top in lieu of straight across, will improve the look and you can miss the mag release. I just use a french curve and swoop it up! This is my third one, it shows the curve nicely.
  12. Here's the 4th one. Stitching a little closer fit around the trigger guard and belt slots way cleaner.
  13. I just cut the slots on my fourth one and they turned out much much better. First I thinned down the hole punch, it's just a cheap 1/4" harbor freight one but it tapered drastically to the point. I think this was a huge part of my problem and also in lieu of the chisel I used a #18 chisel blade Xacto and slowly just worked it straight down between the holes. I'll post a pic later if I get time but it turned out very nice compared to my other attempts! Thanks for the comments and tips, I spend more time on here than I should reading but I don't think my first holsters would have even been identified as holsters if it wasn't for all the people willing to share and help. I don't think I'll be competing for anyone's business anytime soon, but I do want to make some good leather for myself. I do have two Lobo holsters and I have to say he was more than accommodating to my requests. It will be awhile before I replace his.
  14. A sharp wood chisel is what they are talking about. I may just try laying them out, punching the top and bottom and using a X-acto chisel blade straight down slowly... I wish someone made an affordable punch. I'd pay $20 or $30 but it looks like most of them are in the $60+ range...
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