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About Palermo

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  1. I've ordered a lot of English kip that I use to make inner soles and the vegan tooling leather for leather goods. but I treated the vegan after dying with meletonian Polish and fiebings wax to soften it a bit as it was a little stiff at the start.
  2. Yes. I've used them a few times.
  3. I have used those cheap machines in the past and have had great results. It took a lot of trial and error on scrap leathers. writing kiss time, cooling time and temperature. The first thing I would suggest is to buy some better foil. It probably came with a real crappy one and makes it harder.
  4. First let me ask did you thread it correctly? Do you have the cord going through the tiny offset hole in the whiler gear at the top of the horn?
  5. Do you know how to time these? If not I can help.
  6. We shoe makers make those knives out of hacksaw blades. Take to a skilled shoe repair or shoe maker and they will show you.
  7. I do the same as craftsman827 works perfect
  8. That's a nice machine but only serves one purpose insole stitching. Where are you located I'm kind of in the market for one if I can get it at decent price.
  9. You can buy prefabricated marble slab for $125 big enough for a work bench You can buy prefabricated marble slab for $125 big enough for a work bench
  10. The rubbing off is normal to most dyes.. I usually do what I call a mid coat then a top coat... A good way to get most of the rubbing off out is to buff it with tissue paper like the ones that are in gift bags. It absorbs a lot of the dry dye. You should also try using carnuba cream but this will affect the over all color.. I usually make tests of dye strength + carnuba cream to achieve final color. It will take a few test strips and patience
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