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1 shot willie

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Bushcraft, fishing shooting, leatherwork.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything you can teach me...please
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    A friend

1 shot willie's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/4)

  1. Hi Mr Lentz. Being a total novice, I found this to be a huge help and insight. Thank you for sharing, and taking the time to post such a detailed tutorial. The pictures were a big help. As already mentioned, the serial number is a nice touch.
  2. Same to you "Lightningad"......Thanks for the welcome
  3. Thank you HD
  4. Ohhhh Dear.....I have just noticed a typo in the member info. Should read....."Everything you CAN teach me.......not cant. Only been here 5 minutes and causing problems already lol. Would a kind member of the Admin team please rectify to save my blushes.......Thank you!
  5. Hi all. First of all thank you for letting me join your fine forum. I was introduced to the forum by my new found friend, and member, "Humperdingle"Thanks again buddy. Just started out in leatherwork, and find it very therapeutic, and rewarding. Have made a couple of items, and have learnt some do's and dont's from them. Got a very basic set of tools, but looking to improve my skills and my kit as I go along. Looking forward to enjoying your company, and hoping to learn a lot here. ATB. Bill.
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