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Everything posted by Sluggo001

  1. I put my contact cement in craft store plastic squeeze bottles. It will eventually dry out more in the bottle, but it gives great control. You would think the solvents would eat the plastic...it doesn't. Ditto on the plastic glue spreaders.
  2. Grumpy cow could go viral.
  3. I stay away from fabrics and use pigskin or suede. No loose threads, gives a nice edge and the glue doesn't soak through.
  4. If you want stiff- like wood. You can harden it with wax. It's tricky though.
  5. I thought leather golf club grips and tennis racket grips were calfskin?
  6. I've peened over post conchos and you'll need a copper washer and a lot of patience. If they aren't mostly silver, the posts will be brittle and the edges will chip off. Take your time
  7. I put contact cement in squeeze bottles for better control.
  8. Just a guess, but, the threads may have been brushed over with some kind of flexible adhesive on the back side. I really like it and I'm curious to find out how it's done.
  9. 1) Strop. 2) I saw some great advice on a Bruce Cheaney video using of the Tandy industrial knife with the hook blade for cutting curves. This is the only way I cut curves now, and I wish I had had one when I started out. 3) Buy good sewing awl blades. 4) Cheap basketweave stamps lead to frustration.
  10. Ditto on the Eco weld. Even though the suede will be cut oversized and later trimmed to match the veg tan, lining up the suede with the veg tan can be a headache because it's so light and plyable. Once the two pieces touch... they bond and there's no adjusting. So, misalignment and wrinkles are a possibility. After applying the cement to both pieces, I put wax paper - over the cement, line them up and peel back the wax paper while I stick them together. I've also used popsicle sticks to keep them from touching while I line things up.
  11. i read this on another post awhile back. TSC sells rubber horse stall mat. 4X6 for $39.99
  12. Restaurant supply places are good sources of poly cutting boards
  13. Have you tried heat setting your paint with a blow dryer? That's what I do. Then, I apply 50/50 Resolene in several thin coats. There are additives you can use that are meant for making acrylic paint permanent on fabrics that are machine washed
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