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Status Updates posted by Toolerlass

  1. Sod the neighbours, they’ve had enough peace and quiet over the last couple of years. Time to get back in the saddle :)

  2. Demented after a 6 week dry spell while various neighbours have been home for Easter etc.

  3. Urghh who needs fingers anyway :-/ .......

    1. ReneeCanady


      LOL You must be related to me :)

    2. rosiart


      ouch....cringing in sympathy

    3. Sylvia


      Super glue... and next time mind your fingers. :)

  4. Urghhh who needs fingers anyway...

  5. Broken neck from practising tooling

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dwight


      Roll up a wash cloth so it is about 2 inches tall and maybe 2 1/2 inches in diameter, secure it with masking tape.

      Put it under your chin, lean your head forward, relax your neck muscles. With a little practice, you can then hold that position for hours.

      I have to do it for reading as I have a neck condition that is very painful without it, it has worked for years. Takes a little practice to get it right, but it works.

      May God bless,


    3. Toolerlass
    4. Toolerlass


      Sylvia: i have no idea what that means. How does my mouth affect the back of my neck from leaning forward?

  6. Neighbours home for the last week, got withdrawal symptoms, need to hammer

    1. tkirwan


      i hear ya..my neighbors bitch up a storm when i tool, yet the play fight with their dogs all night...

    2. Toolerlass


      I've never willed people to 'go the hell out' as much as right now lol. They can probably feel the annoyed vibes piercing their walls :-)

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