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Everything posted by greekgod

  1. Hello guys I am new here and looking for a good pricking iron 7 or 8 per inch or inch and a half. I am in Australia. Open to offers. Regards.
  2. Guys what do you think of the tools I have bought? Are they ok? ..any comments on the quality (as much as you can see in the pics). The metal ruler is fantastic..it was nearly $40!
  3. Thanks Macca, that helps me a lot and I am much clearer in what I want now. I did see identical pricking irons on eBay which were made in China. They look similar but I doubt would be same quality wise? They only cost $27 ... Looks like I will have to get both electrathon
  4. Thanks for that electrathon appreciate the info....will do. If you had to pic one , money not being an issue, which one would it be in terms of quality? Vergez Blanchard or Joseph Dixion or someone I still dont know about??
  5. G'day guys, Its been nearly 1 week since I got into this hobby and, like everyone else I was really excited to get my tools and get started. I realised very quickly that this is a very expensive affair. I have got some tools, most of them from the only leathercraft here in Perth and the quality is.... well (All made in Taiwan) ..I then bought some used tools which includes a good quality diamond Awl and a beveler (number 4). From what I see there is not much difference in terms of usage and quality in many of the Taiwanese tools and says for eg Osborne tools ( I know many of them are of higher quality but just the basic start up ones are similar) NOW I really would like to get into using a pricing iron and hand stitching and so wanted to know if one should always invest in a top quality Pricking iron ( which are EXPENSIVE!) from someone like Vergez Blanchard or would something made in China/India be as good? Personally I would love to get a couple of Vergez Blanchard ones but too exp for my pocket at the moment... Plz have a look at the tools I proudly own at the moment. Thx.. and your comments please.
  6. Hi Jenny, welcome. I myself joined 2 days ago and I am from Perth. what kind of works do you do?
  7. Hello again Jake, I want to do only hand made stuff. LIke I mentioned earlier I would love to make a briefcase like the Dunhill one which I believe is purely handmade. Yes I downloaded all the books of Al Stohlman and will be going though them now. My problem is to acquire quality tools here in Australia without having to sell a kidney!! ( was on youtube all day yesterday lol) Thanks mate
  8. Thanks guys. Peter I am in Hamersley up north of the the city. I am trying to find places for quality tools but I doubt there is any apart from Western Leather in East Perth. Have you been in the hobby for long ?
  9. Hello everyone, its been a great 2 days since I discovered this forum and I have posted a couple of times on here. I wanted to Introduce myself, say hello and just acknowledge how useful and warm this place has been so far. I have just gotten into this hobby of leathercraft and really want to start making bags and similar leather items. I spend my day today buying some basic tools and downloading most of the important books of Stohlman. Hope to spend more time on here and getting to know everyone on this forum...its been great so far. Regards, Para
  10. hunio..It was your work that got me hooked on to this forum! I saw all the stuff you made starting from thins bag to the green bean bag..the finish on everything you do is excellent and this is the exact kind of work I want to do! Cant I ask more about the stitching you have done on the bag? In terms of the style of stitch and the tools you used please? Also what kind of thread are you using? This is great stuff!!
  11. WOW!! Thanks so much for the answer Jake! really appreciate the long and extensive reply. Just downloading the ebooks as we speak and I have subscribed to a few videos on youtube. I dont want to get into carving but what inspired me to this hobby was high end craftsmanship. I once saw a video of Dunhill leather briefcase being made and I was really impressed. Thats the sort of stuff I want to make.... or hand bags like Hermes! I may be aiming high here and talking like someone who doesn't know what he is talking about.. but I am very very new to this hobby so I dont know much. I dont even know the names of the tools properly. I did go anf buy some basic tools today after I had had class with a teacher on Thursday. I think I want to stick with hand stitching and not use too many rivets or metal buttons etc. I actually really like a well stitched leather item. I am trying to look for any DVDs I can find on the craft but I cant seem to find much. Thanks again mate for all the info .. cheers
  12. G'day keableleather thanks very much for your reply. Great to see Australians actively involved in this craft. I have started reading and checking out some Youtube vids. In fact I have started personal lessons with a person here in Perth and bought some tools today which he had recommended. Hello Caroline.. have you been on the forum for long?
  13. Hello Guys I am in Perth too ...I only joined the forum last night and I have no idea where to start this beautiful hobby!! Any inputs please??
  14. Wow that looks great!! I only joint the forum last night and got interested in leather craft a few days ago... Just dont now where to start!!
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