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Everything posted by Dano1122

  1. What are using for the dye to get that rusty look. Nice work badass
  2. How do you like it for tooling? I saw this awhile ago and was on the fence about purchasing it!
  3. What about something like if i carved a red sox logo onto leather ? I could have it personal use , but couldnt use that logo on a leather project and sell it???
  4. Im glad theres some interest! Im not sure who be in charge of getting going??
  5. Anybody interested starting this back up? My old name on here was leathernut , just came across this thread, thought it was worth a shot!
  6. Im in between jobs ! I wish i could pickup some side work with leather!
  7. Wow , again how do you do that? Im a newbie so anyone with some info?
  8. All great replys thanks for sharing! How did you advertise your business!??
  9. I was curious to hear , did leather work just stay a hobby or did it turn into a full time business?? Myself its just a hobby but who knows down the road! Please share your experiences!
  10. Hi Im new here and to leatherwork as well. I bought my first journal kit from tandy , and little confused on how to attach leather to notepad? Comes with 2 holes punched out top and bottom of cover, am i suppose to push needle thru the notepad spine to attach it?? Thank you
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