hi all,
new member here from san francisco bay area (east bay to be exact) and interested in doing leather works. i have been sewing since i was 12 years old and got started on my mom's home singer sewing machine. i have acquired a singer 16-188 industrial machine that i am fixing at the moment. i got this untested and have not started the motor yet. all parts seem intact just for some missing minor ones like bobbin plate, thread spool holder. i also have a singer 99K that i wanted to use for light leather works. anyway here's my first project that i am working on. it is for my ipad mini case with some small leather works. all the stiches are hand sewn. i am using a veg tanned cowhide 4-5oz and 100% wool felt (1/8"). i know it's not the best but hopefully in time i will do better. thanks guys.