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    Braiding and Horses

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    Rawhide braiding and saddle making

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  1. Thank you for picture I get it now. Wha5 ma Hines did you use to sew tha5 on the stitches look good Sorry should read what machine
  2. Hi Big Sioux could I see a picture of the "fish" sewing you mention please Sorry I am having a hard time with the visualisation. What machine are you using to do this on as well. Regards Johanne
  3. Hi Ukasmk do you buy your piping ready made or make it up yourself. I have been thinking of trying some and looking for tips. Thank you Johanne
  4. Great tip thank you
  5. JLD

    braiding rein ends

    Gail Houghts book on Romal Reins has good instructions along with diagrams. Sometimes her books are easier to follow for some people. You can see samples of what is in the book on her web site.
  6. Hi I am after someone to make up these slobber straps for me. They are make from harness leather lined with latigo and edge stitched. The overall length 18" (9" from end to centre) If I could get a price for them made up and also for just the cut outs unstitched please. This will be an ongoing order not a one off. Not certain of quantities but say 6 to start with. Johanne
  7. Thanks all I am making something up now. will post a pic when finished unless it is a disaster. Its looking OK but having issues getting it to lay flat. Thinking I may wet it and press when finished to shape it. Anyway stay tuned.
  8. thank you will have a play and see how I get on.
  9. thanks for you help have just ordered. They looked like a great idea for edging.
  10. Thank you but I cant play the video I get the error message This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. (not sure what that is) I can do bleed knots if that is what the video shows it is more the order in which to do the strands in the latice I was wondering about. Thank you for trying Johanne
  11. Hi Does anyone know where I can buy these. They look ideal for applying edge dye and I thought I may give them a go.
  12. I am thinking that the two centre strands are worked first probably together as you said dirtclod and then the one that becomes the centre bottom loop as that seems to go around all the other strands which appears to me that it is done last. May have a play this weekend wish me luck
  13. Sorry here is another picture of the same thing this one has less strands but made the same way I can see that it is done using bleed knots and I can do them just after some clues on whether there is a system to do this e.g. do I start at one end and work accross or is the middle one done first etc. Just not certain how to tackle it. I have hunted on youtube and found one on a person doing it but there was just a quick shot and I couldn't get an idea so that I could reverse engineer.
  14. Can no one here help please
  15. Thank you keplerts, much appreciated johanne
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