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About PsychoSmart

  • Birthday 08/08/1989

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  • Location
    Oklahoma City, OK

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  • Leatherwork Specialty

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  1. Interested in trying to put pockets inside of a bag (Yeah I have a bit of ocd...). But I don't want to stitch through the outer layer to hold the pockets on the inside?. Do you do that more with an outer layer with the handles and such and just glue an internal layer with the pockets sewn onto that inside? Just sew them together when I construct the bag? It makes since in my head but I'd really like to see someone else do it on youtube or pictures or something before I attempt it? Thanks.
  2. Finally finished something! I've played and tooled and tried and practices. Hopefully some of you pros can look at it and give some tips on how to do it better. I don't anticipate mask work in my future. Sadly when we got there not many people actually wore masks, so I was that creepy guy who looked like tuxedo mask playing blackjack... the purplish streak matched her dress and my vest and tie. Also now I want to find a new project... but what will that be!?
  3. That is really cool. The stamping is done but not overdone, and the clasp was a really great idea on closure. Plus the little metal feets are great.
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Viper-Casemaster-Elite-Dart-Case/dp/B001FWQK1K/ref=pd_sbs_sg_1 It would be a gift for a friend, and not used for darts. I want kind of a hard sided pocket bag, he is currently a medic like I was, and we tend to carry meds in our pockets in pouches like this, but he has been using a crappy nylon that is about to die on him, and I don't trust nylon to stop glass shards from forcing themselves into my leg if I fall down go boom. Any help would be good, the middle flap would still function as a pocket, but I would probalby sew elastic strips on it for holding small vials, the side boxes would be syringes and a carpujet, and the middle pocket would probalby be draw needles. Any help I would appreciate. Is it just a flat rectangle and a saddle stitch flipped inside sewn to however tall a middle piece I would want, and then glue and stitch the flap to the spine, and then add a zipper? Would that be the best way? It will be carried in his right cargo pocket.
  5. Lol then how do you poke holes for stitching!?
  6. After 4 run throughs of the video and about an hour trying, all I made was a pointy piece of metal, draws blood; does not pierce leather...
  7. I wanted to work on some hand stitching today, went to the Tandy's, bought what I thought was the right tool for poking holes, an awl of sorts, item 3209-00, it isn't the right one. This is my second awl and neither of them are sharp enough to get through the leather and make the clean cuts like in everyone else's work... Help please...
  8. I'm new to the world of leatherworking, every other hobby I have been around has been called more a labor of love so the idea of charging that much for your time is astounding to me. But that being said if someone will pay it, maybe it isn't as crazy as it sounds. It is a really great bag. Thanks for the numbers. $70 isn't outside of my price range when I get a little more skilled. Maybe that is the secret, make something you can use, and then if it doesn't sell, you got yourself a new bag!
  9. PsychoSmart28010@gmail.com, me too please
  10. What is ridiculous money in your mind? and then What did this cost you strictly in materials?
  11. Ah. I just got started myself and contemplated buying a kit just to have directions... As it is now I just practice (read as play...) until I realize I am missing tool for something i want to try. I still need a good piece of stone to work on... and an awl... and some transfer paper... and some dobbers... modelinging spoon and stylus, etc lol
  12. Looks good to me, what made you choose to punch the holes instead of using like a diamond awl or something?
  13. http://youtu.be/M7mnEKr8t58 He inlays a quarter into a knife sheath, not really the same but shows the whole process so might help you figure something out
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