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Everything posted by DianeWood

  1. DianeWood


    Okay, thanks alot do you happen to have any pictures of an example of what your describing. I understand everything your saying but a picture would do even better on how i should place everything.
  2. DianeWood


    Will the original rivet cap work with the chicago screw or will i have to use something else for the end of it?
  3. DianeWood


    Does anyone know where you can get extra long rivets and swarvoski element rivets also for extra thick leather. Most places make the 10mm size ones but there just not long enough to reach through thick leather. Thanks, Diane
  4. Does anyone know of somebody or a business that carves belts specificly floral belts and any design and can sale them by the bulk at a reasonable price? Thanks Diane
  5. I know they make spots with crimped prongs to set inside really thick leather so they don't come through the back of the leather but I was wondering if anyone knows of any place makes them in rim sets or swarovski elements already preset. Thanks, Diane
  6. I know they make spots with crimped prongs to set inside really thick leather so they don't come through the back of the leather but I was wondering if anyone knows of any place makes them in rim sets or swarovski elements already preset. Thanks, Diane
  7. Where could I get barbed spots from? And do I need a different tool to set them with or just a spot setting tool. Also where and how much is a setting machine? Thanks, Diane
  8. Would i have to sew the lining on the premade tack that is already sewen or cement glue it or is there another way?
  9. What about a modeling spoon and tracing tool and blade did people use them also?
  10. Can I put spots and rimsets etc. through premade horse tack? Will the prongs come through the double layered leather and will they stay in place? Thanks, Diane
  11. Does anyone know what tools people used to use before the swivel knife came about around the world?
  12. I was wondering what type of leather is used for fringe? If anybody knows of the type and weight. Thanks, Diane
  13. Ive looked into them from tandy and springfield but thats all very time comsuming i figured since theres some embossing belt patterns i thought some other people would know of a place that had alot more to choose from than just the standered ones from tandy and springfield. Im from clarksville, arkansas.
  14. I actually emailed them and asked them and they only have one floral pattern. Not really any with different flowers or roses thats mainly what im looking for.
  15. Does anyone know of anyone that does embossed floral belt strips with different range of flowers and roses and different leaves? Im needing some belt blanks to help save me some time with my projects. Thanks, Diane
  16. Does anyone use a sharpie marker for the impressions of stamped letters if your stain or dye doesn't work well? I've heard some people using this but just wanted to see if anybody here has used them and if they hold up ok with a finish sprayed over it?
  17. What kind of dye did you use on that? I have fiebings walnut leather stain that im planning on useing.
  18. Ok thank you so much. Did you use the neatsfoot oil on the whole thing or just the areas you didnt want the dye to be?
  19. Yes that's it, I wanted my stamped border and the creases of my letters to be dark and have acrylic paint over the letters but I just didn't know what to put on first because I don't want my whole piece to change in color.
  20. I need help with a few steps please. I'm making a leather bronc halter noseband and I'm tracing a name on it with a stylus then I use a swivel knife and then beveler. I need help with antiquing in the cracks of the name and my stamped border because i want them to look somewhat darker but i dont want my whole noseband to change color just the name and stamped border but i also want to use acrylic paint on the name. I'm not sure on how to do that on which goes on first next and last because i dont want to mess up any acrylic paint or antique or the color of the leather. Thanks, Diane
  21. I know this doesn't really involve leather but i know some people on here are involved in horse tack. I was wondering if anybody knows how to make custom picture conchos to use for horse tack i know you have to use a epoxy to seal inside the concho but what kind of program would i need to use to make custom images with different backgrounds and images over them and fonts and to adjust the sizes of everything? If anybody could help me with some info i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Diane
  22. Do they have a website i could look at?
  23. Ok thanks alot i would like to see pictures im thinking about doing this instead of buying a clicker machine but im just looking at the different options before i make any decision first.
  24. What about making my own patterns would anyone know how i would go about making them? Like scalloped breastcollar and headstall pieces for example for when i cut my leather? Do you make plastic patterns or what exactly do you go by?
  25. Where could i get headstall and breast collar patterns such as one ear and browband headstalls. Barrel racer and scalloped breastcollars. Thanks Diane
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