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About AndiH

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/28/1964

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Itasca County, MN

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None as of yet
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything about leather working!
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    web search
  1. It is a neat idea, but to secure the peg/dowel to the belt so it isn't lost...
  2. Thanks for all the great ideas. I would have researched this before, but I was without net until they could get me a new modem (well that and life issues). Apparently I may have been over thinking it.
  3. Thanks for the ideas, David and Michael. Troy, I'm very much a newbie. I'm confident I can punch holes, but at this point thats about it. Hopefully life slows down now that summer's over and I can really get to work on this stuff (learning it I mean). Andi
  4. I have a friend who can't wear belts because she breaks out when she touches metal too much. I decided I'd give it a try now that life seems to be getting easier again. My thoughts were to use a dowel secured to one end with lacing then a loop on the other to secure it. Ideally it needs to be adjustable, but all I've come up with so far is punching holes the length of the belt then lace from the each end through, but that doesn't really look too workable when I try to picture it. Any suggestions ?
  5. My dad is in search of a holster to fit the above gun. I would do it for him, but I'm not far enough along in my skills. He saw one in a catalog that could give you an idea of what he wants: http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/ruger-mk-1-ii-iii-scoped-holster.aspx?a=797062 Since everything has to be run by him, I can't say y es or no to anyone immediately, but if you could let me know what you have or can do and estimated price, I'll discuss it with him. Thanks, Andi
  6. So after getting my Tandy kit 3 months or more ago, I was all set to finally start working on it tonight after a million and one reasons it was best to put it off, just to realize it was 10 pm and my elderly neighbors probably wouldn't appreciate the banging. Tomorrow!

    1. Cyrex


      They can't hear anything anyway. =o]

  7. Thanks for the suggestion. I had planned on using part of a blanket he chewed up a while ago, but the wool would probably be better.
  8. Thanks for the reply . That's what I was thinking regarding the stitching. What would you suggest regarding the cutting?
  9. A couple of years ago I bought a colorful picture of various North American birds. Unfortunately it fell off the wall and the frame was destroyed. I've decided I want to do a sort of patchwork leather frame with purchased leather scraps (trying to save those big enough for small projects) with a bag of scrap exotic. However, I can't decide if I should just glue pieces on or sew them together so there's a seam visible for added detail. I can picture it in my mind both ways but I just can't decide what would be better. Thoughts are eagerly sought after.
  10. Thanks for the info Todd I wasn't going to make an overstitch wheel a priority, but as my ideas keep coming I'm realizing that I need to move that up. Tried to respond yesterday, but I had to go get more batteries for my keyboard.
  11. Its nice to see what everyone else has going on. I'm on disability due to a multitude of physical issues and a few psychiatric as well. When I was working I worked in a vet hospital for a while, as a lab tech in a rural hospital, quality control in a shoe sole factory, and off and on as a medical transcriptionist. Since leaving my last job I've searched for a hobby I could get into with just a little bit of outlay and I think I've found it. Ever since I started researching leather work and craft my imagination has gone crazy on what I can do. Hopefully the body will keep up! I live in a rural area that is quite a distance from any Tandy stores or other leather shops (as far as I know) so this site is going to be my main source of information along with reading the books available. Thanks to those who have taken the time to help educate me.
  12. Don't feel like an idiot. As someone wise once said, 'There is no stupid question.'
  13. I like the grooves myself but it could easily become too much.
  14. AndiH

    The Magic Of The East.

    Thats beautiful. Since traveling to the Ukraine is probably not possible for most of us, how about some videos of you working?
  15. I won't comment on the quality of work since those with greater experience have. I do have a style concern with the tobacco pouch though. With only a snap closure doesn't some of the tobacco escape?
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