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  • Location
  • Interests
    hunting, fishing, outdoors

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  • Interested in learning about
    making goods
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    yahoo search

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  1. Bag looks great and so do the kids!
  2. Very nice!
  3. Thanks Monica! I checked out your site and you do some really nice work. It shouldn't be that unlikely to do it with real alligator, just have him go to the DNR website and enter the quota hunt. In about 5 years he can be hunting for his own armor!
  4. Nice, you have a great hand stitch. I wish I could come close to that. maybe one day...
  5. Nice! How did you stitch it?
  6. Thanks Bill. Yeah, he was a whopper he was aged at 55 years old 12'10" long, estimated weight of 550#.
  7. Will do Chief. Thanks for the invite!
  8. Thanks for the warm welcome folks. St8line, I'm in Columbus. Chief, I know a few folks from Tifton and have some in my hunting club.
  9. Hello, I just signed up. I drew a tag for an alligator last year after 5 years of getting rejected, and with an incredible amount of beginners luck, I fell a couple of inches shy of the state record! Needless to say I have quite a bit of beautiful chocolate tanned alligator hide that I can't wait to make into some goods for me and my family. My plan is to start simple with some less expensive leather, and hopefully with your help and support from the forum, build the skills and courage to cut up that gorgeous hide and make some nice goods. From what I've read so far, it seems like I've found the right place!
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