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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. All of you above are added. Thank you!
  2. Mike- hope everything is okay. Holler if we can help in any way. ~J
  3. I don't have the author's permission to make the bootmaking book available, so that's why it isn't here. Sorry guys! ~J
  4. Added in a few days ago. Anyone else, just holler!
  5. Doors are open- help yourself to the coffee and doughnuts. ~J
  6. Okay, NSFW area should be visible to all that requested it. Let me know if you have any problems. ~J
  7. We just reached 35,000 registered members here at leatherworker.net!

    1. Rawhide


      Wow, I didn't think that many leatherworkers still existed!

    2. celticpride



      that's the way to go

    3. TwinOaks


      Gee, having been a '4 digit' member...i'm starting to feel OLD

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  8. Johanna


    Love the knotty design!
  9. You both and the PMs are all added- caught up again. ~J
  10. Caught up here and in PMs. C'mon, let's make some posts now!
  11. I register domain names at Enom for $15 (a year). So Domain registration and web hosting is only $90 for a year. ~J
  12. For some reason when we did the last upgrade the notification settings got borked for some users. They appeared "fine" in the admin section, but not in the member control panel. It's things like this that makes me want to bang my head off the keyboard occasionally! Thanks, Dick for posting the solution to the problem! ~J
  13. Everyone who posted here and sent a PM has been added. Harvey- you've had access for years. There is no second more-interesting kinky area.
  14. Trox, you're right, and the split os overdue. It will be done this weekend. ~J Pounder- if everyone took your advice, I'd never sweat the server bill! Thanks for helping to keep LW alive. ~J
  15. All caught up again. Holler if you don't see the NSFW area.
  16. Our friend Barry King generously allowed us to share his explanation of factory vs. handmade tools. Brian asked me to talk a little about "Custom/Handmade" tools vs "Factory" tools. I can go on and on with comments and reasons, so I may add a lot after initially typing this. Here goes: 1. The biggest difference is the impression you will end up with. Most handmade tools are finished by hand. Meaning: contoured, polished and filed, by hand. The key being the filing by hand. This leaves the tool with sharp lines and ridges as opposed to a Factory tool. Factory tool: Usually stamped out from a master die. This can be done cold or under heat. The disadvantage is the lines in the die are then rounded, not sharp. This is just one of the reasons for a poor impression. 2. Steeper angles and sharper tools are possible cutting by hand. No need for the tool base to be fat to handle the stress of the die strike(Factory). This is on the face I am talking about, not the actual tool shaft itself. A Veiner is a perfect example I am thinking of. 3. Finer detail by hand. This goes back to the hand filing. The Factory tools normally won't have fine lines because the die strike process distorts them. 4. Plating. MOST Handmade tools do nat have a plating process applied to them. If a tool has a chrome plating(Factory) it will usually start to flake after a period of time/usage. Some Handmade tools have a plating, but usually it is not a true "chrome" plating, therefore won't flake. 5. Material. Most factory tools are made from mild steel, except for the new Tandy Pro Line. Most of the Handmade tool makers are using stainless or tool steel. Wayne uses stress proof and has his reasons for that too. NO one material is perfect for all, but we all have our reasons for using what we do. I made my first tools out of nails, still use a few of them once in a while. Now, all stainless for stamps. 6. Different angles available by making tools by hand. Bevelers are the 1st thing to come to mind, followed by Basket stamps. Those that have use both, Factory and Handmade know what I am talking about. You don't have to hit the good tools nearly as hard because the angles are steeper and the tool is sharper. When seeing someone's work the is very intricate, just bet they are using a handmade tool. Tandy is great to get a person started, to see if he/she likes the craft, but don't seem to work well enough to get a fine, detailed look. These are just a few reasons, I know I am missing a bunch, but I will add more after awhile, as I am sure others will too. Barry King
  17. Sheathman and Imapeople- I added you both the other day. You should see the NSFW area at the bottom of the main list, near the Marketplace. If you don't, try logging out, then back in. I got the rest of you that asked here and by PM so I'm caught up again. ~J
  18. Leatherworker near Orange County CA needed for custom carving job. PM me for details.

  19. Okay, all above are admitted. ChrisHodge87, you already had access. ~J
  20. Correct- we mods have a "soft delete" or "hide" function. When a suspicious or controversial post appears, we "invisible" it and discuss it in the staff room. If you see a post that requires attention, please click the "report to a moderator" button and let us know. Thank you!
  21. Sorry about the down time tonight. The host said there was an electrical problem. I don't know if lightning struck the building or if the janitor unplugged us, but it's good to be back online.

    1. Bob Blea

      Bob Blea

      By the way, thank you Johanna and everyone who helps keep this site running!

    2. Beaverslayer


      TwinOaks, my tin foil hat was securely in place all during the outage. As a matter of fact, when the lightning hit, I too felt the effects, it was quite electrifying for a moment or two...

    3. groovytech


      Is the host near the Superdome?????

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