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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. The board is still updating...stay tuned!

    1. tardis86


      gotcha. looks great btw. love the new layout

    2. tardis86


      So are some of the photo attachments just forever gone now?

    3. Johanna


      No, we are receiving help from the software developers right now.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  2. Don't do anything to your computer! We are doing some updates, and things may get weird, but we will be back better than ever! :)

    1. Constabulary
    2. Dwight


      Does that statement carry a money back guarantee??? lol

  3. No, like Art said, we know of the issues and have a plan to fix them. It's not just you- it's driving me crazy too. On the plus side, the new update will give us new features and an improved mobile device format. Ten years, 65,000 registered members, 60 gigs of pics, 5 versions of the software and half a million posts. LW is getting clunky, and I'm glad I have help for this migration. I'll let everyone know when to put on their tinfoil hat and buckle seatbelts. ~J
  4. I think I'm caught up with everybody, but I will go check again. Yes the video is available by download or I can send you a cd. Thanks for helping Billy!
  5. until
    This is the Sheridan Show, sponsored by the LCSJ in Sheridan WY May 20-22
  6. until
    Hosted by the LCSJ, in Prescott AZ Feb 26-28
  7. until
    Classes and vendors and friends in historic Wickenburg AZ! Sponsored by Hansen Silver (800) 970-7391 Click here for more details Wickenburg Show
  8. Yes you will, very soon. We are doing a major overhaul to the site, and there will be more features and a huge mobile improvement. It's coming- stay tuned! ~J
  9. Chatroom is back online!

  10. The chat room is down right now. Working to get it back online.

    1. Halitech


      awww who broke the chat? I bet it was that kiwi fella, he's always messing things up

    2. onlyoblivion


      Thanks! I need my leather talk!

    3. Rossr


      Thanks Johanna!!

  11. Sorry for th outage, folks! Investigating the why now.

  12. until
    Pendleton Leather Show The show hours are 9 am to 5 pm, November 6 & 7, 2015. There is no admission fee, but a stop at the registration desk is required. Save time by by using the Online Registration: click here Classes begin earlier in the week at the Convention Center and students will be notified regarding start times. If you are interested in the classes, or in teaching, please click here. For the students: please plan to arrive a couple minutes early for your class for time to get a name badge and to find your classroom. Home-cooked lunch will be available at the Convention Center both days of the show. OutWest Catering does an outstanding job every year, at a reasonable price and so convenient! http://pendletonleathershow.com/2015-classes-available/
  13. I hid the thread while it was under review. No one "buys" favoritism in the forum, but we also don't let personal issues, or in this case legal ones, take over a conversation and detract from a thread. Carry on, but skip the speculation. The parties involved will work this out in private, not on the forum. I merged both threads for the sake of clarity.Thank you for your understanding. ~J
  14. I don't care if you're sassy, just keep it classy.

    1. capsterdog
    2. DoubleC


      Thanks Johanna, we surely try!

  15. Hmmmm... I'm checking into it now. Thanks for the heads up. ~J
  16. Fixed. Sorry, didn't see this right away.
  17. Everyone above is able to be in the NSFW area. PM me for faster response!
  18. Got most of you when you asked, but forgot to mark my place. Caught up again.
  19. Tell me what name you'd like to use, and if it's not taken, it's yours.
  20. That's the best outcome- a resolution that makes you feel whole again. Glad you got it fixed, and thanks for not slamming the business before you had a chance to check with them about correcting the problems. ~J
  21. I'd just like to point out that not identifying the tannery because the problem isn't resolved in this post was professional and responsible. I also agree that you should call them directly and see what can be worked out before stressing out about this. Let us know how it works out. ~J
  22. If anyone is looking for the real deal leatherwranglers.com is where you will find the knives Paul and Rosa make. Be prepared to get your socks knocked off.
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