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Posts posted by Johanna

  1. These folks liked Billy 2-shews' work, and asked about a custom piece.

    I was looking at your site, and I was wondering how much it would cost for 36 x 24 inch Flying Golden Eagle, and a timescale please? Many thanks,
    Hello Johanna,Maybe when you get a chance, could you e-mail me with the details of any Leatherworkers you'd recommend, please? There's no rush, but I'd be interested to see some other peoples' work too.Many thanks for taking the time to reply to me, and I look forward to your reply.Kind regards,Janet Sykes
    contact Mrs. Sykes

  2. I keep getting mail from customers wanting me to reccommend a leatherworker for their job. That used to be easy- I'd hit forward and send the request to a few people I knew could meet their needs. It's not that simple these days. I don't want to steer work to a select few, or overlook the ideal leatherworker for the job by accident. There is so much talent on the board I would only cofuse the customers by providing a list of names. Some of you aren't taking on work now- and some of you want it. I'm going to post the recent requests I've had. If you are interested in the job(s), please contact the person directly and make the arrangements.

    I opened this forum so that guests who have not registered can post. If it gets spammed, I'll put it on moderation (approval required by a moderator to be seen). If you are looking for a leatherworker, post your needs and contact info here. Post again when you've found your person, and I'll close the thread and delete your contact info. If you tell us who you selected, and why, we will all get a better idea of what is hot, and what is not, and we will be better able to meet your expectations.


  3. I made up that "Teasers" section using 60 pictures that just caught my eye from different websites. More than 500 people have viewed the teasers. The number one viewed pic is Rayne's, number two is Phil Broc's girlfriend, and the third is BadAssSeats by Shirley. What does this tell us?

    Boobies. Boobies sell. Ain't no shame in it, if that's what the customer wants. There are pretty pin up girls from the 40s and 50s all over the internet to get patterns from. Most are sexy and discreet, like the famous Ken Griffen backside nude. (She graces the back of Little Jon's portfolio, and clinched many a sale!)

    If you sell to bikers, truckers, any men who like beautiful women...maybe skip a few Confederate flags and do some pretty girls? Nudity can have taste- ask ShirleyZ! None of Billy 2-shews nudes ever failed to sell. Just a thought from a mild mannered housewife in Ohio...


  4. Alcohol dyes are cheaper to produce and are more "institution-friendly", in the institutions they are allowed in, than oil dyes. Oil dyes seem to penetrate the leather more deeply, but I have absolutely no scientific evidence of this, just personal observation. I suspect oil dye holds its color better over time, but have NO proof. The water base institutional dyes were developed for hospital and prison use where they have to take special precautions because people might drink them or set fires, and are virtually worthless to anyone in the free world, except maybe for a rowdy group of Boy Scouts. None of the dyes come out of clothing or carpets, and that I will testify to in court. Antique is useful for the "resist" effect. I wish I had a dollar for everytime someone complained that dye covered their carefully applied Neat Lac they intended to show up.


  5. I would be happy to post any leather related subject anyone would care to share. I have plenty of Internet space, and I'm not afraid to use it! (Insert maniacal laughter here) Verlane has been gracious about permission to use her work, ClayB, Romey, Sidney Wood and surely people I'm forgetting off the top of my head have shared with us...any historians among us? Anybody take any good pictures they are willing to share? (Johanna hears the sound of an echo already)

    Any history keepers out there? I know some of you are pack rats! I've been in a few leather shops! (There is an unwillingness to part with much -as in throw away the trash!- because they just might need it someday, and they'll justify it by saying "you never know who will walk in and want what!") We'd have to be careful not to violate any copyrights, that's all. I would love to know more about the history of leather work and leather artists. Please share if you can, or send links of interest. It would be a wonderful addition to the board, just like a zillion other things. (Johanna begs a little)


  6. Hey, Kate...ever thought about doing your thing and putting it into a frame and calling it "ART"??? If I had a genuine KD bookmark, I'd be too scared of losing it to use it, and would feel much better with it securely hanging on the wall, where I could look at it and appreciate it every day. But then it's probably different at your house. If you lay something down, it's there when you return. *sigh* my youngest will graduate from high school in 2018.


  7. ClayB went to Sheridan yesterday, and he's hanging around with Kathy Flannagan & Bob Beard & all sorts of folks who are into leatherwork. He is supposed to be taking pictures for us, and giving us a full report, but when I got a note from him this morning, it didn't mention much leather. ClayB is having a blast saying "Hello!" to old friends and making new ones, and I am surprised he even remembers us poor folks at home, not at the show, and not having any leather-related fun. (I spent the whole morning shopping and cooking so I don't get overwhelmed this weekend. Fun fun. Let's go fold laundry next!)

    Anyway, maybe we'll get a show report Sun or Monday, I hope. I wish I were there, too, but I guess it's Clay's turn to have a good time. Anyone there with a laptop? Sneak previews? Waiting is something I've never particularly enjoyed. LOL Have fun, Clay....and don't forget you're on official leatherworker.net business!



  8. David- that speed seems very slow, even pulling through heavy leathers. I've laced many a saddlebag etc, and even on the jobs I needed my pliers, that seems slow. How long is the lace are you using before you splice? If your holes are lining up correctly, why is it taking so long? What kind of needle do you use? Do you use both hands? Are you doing something else while you are working, (like watching tv) that might slow you down?

    I'm not trying to be rude (obviously, you do beautiful work and the results are what count) but I wonder why you're not faster. You know in this business, time is money, because we are limited to what our two hands can produce. I'm just wondering if we could speed up your rater without sacrificing the quality.


    (He didn't screw up enough to call SSP Sally, but that isn't a bad idea. I know some of the best leatherworkers in the world, and I could have one fine looking bike, huh? I still have my motorcycle license, though I haven't driven a bike in 10 years or so. With the way gas prices are going, it's not a bad idea... I just need a saddlebag that will safely hold my laptop! LOL)

  9. I just wanna say that I have handled Bob's tools, and seen the impressions for myself. They are first rate high quality tools, and if you have a problem, Bob willmake it right. If he has time, he'll even show you how to do something special with them. Of all the swivel knives I have ever picked up, I never felt one as perfectly balanced as one of Bob's. (No, I don't work for him, but he has promised me a ride on his Harley!)


  10. Okay, check it out now. If I did things right, in any browser you should be able to click the thumbnail on the left and get the full pic on the right. If you click the full pic, you should be taken directly to the site associated with that artist, without losing the left hand thumbnail bar. You may get a warning in Internet Explorer "allow to navigate accross domains?" In this case, it is perfectly safe. Please let me know if I have any errors, omissions, problems, glitches etc. I wanted to show off some of the members' work before the Gallery goes up. Thanks all!


  11. :welcome:

    Hello, Decker! Your baby girl is a cutie. It brings back memories of when my own rotten kids were new and under warranty still. Welcome to leatherworker.net. Jump in wherever you feel comfortable, and enjoy yourself. There are some terrific people here who are willing to share what they know, and all of them have a sense of humor, or they wouldn't be real leatherworkers, right? Help yourself to the doughnuts and coffee!


  12. I got to see a pic of Dale's, and really liked how he distinguished the foreground from the background, and got the musculature of the animal in proportion. Romey said it looked like it was bugling. ClayB says I can't tell an elk from a deer from a moose, and he's probably right. I live in Ohio, though, and I can tell the hawks apart!

    Clay M, what's your next project going to be? I was hoping you'd be one of the teachers at the IFoLG this fall. I'm curious to know what Dale is planning, too.


    (I can't believe you guys didn't take pics! ClayB, what do you think? Do we dock their pay? :) )

  13. hosted by Lonestar, Ft. Worth TX.

    Soft Gusset Bag

    Rene Berends

    4 Day Pre-Show Workshop

    Monday thru Thursday

    October 15 -18, 2007

    9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

    Location: Hide Crafters Leather

    $390.00 per person

    Class Description: In this seminar the student will make a shoulder bag with a soft leather gusset and a carved historical decoration on the front. The bag will beclosed with a draw string and 2 snap fasteners and has two pockets for smaller items, one on the inside and one on the back. The historical decoration on the front will be carved, tooled, embossed and modelled, with emphasis on details and a properly executed background. The following techniques will be taught: design, pattern drawing and cutting the leather parts, skiving, carving, embossing, different colouring techniques, finishing edges, lacing and finishing, with some new ideas on how to make different closures and attachments.

    Materials Provided:

    Materials Needed: Drawing materials

    Pattern board and Tracing film

    Leather (2-2.5 mm, 4-6 oz)

    Upholstery leather (1.5 mm)

    Leather Lace, 20 m

    Waxed thread

    2 Durable dot press studs

    Cotton Cloth

    Contact cement

    Choice of dyes and antique stains

    Super Shene or Satin Shene

    Tools Needed: Metal straight edge

    Cutting knife

    Cutting Board

    Skiving knife

    Wing dividers

    Rotary punch

    Hole punches (2.5 mm & 5 mm)

    Edge Beveler No 1 or 2

    Marble pounding slab

    Mallet or Maul

    Overstitch wheel

    Awl & saddlers needles

    Durable Dot setter

    Stylus for tracing

    Swivel knife, extra blades (fine detail blade)

    Various modelers, ball (for embossing)

    spoon (small for details)

    Stamping tools F902, F941, F890, F891, F895, F896, P208,

    Choice of chequered bevellers, pear shaders, backgrounders and matters

    Lacing needle

    Scratch awl

    Paintbrushes, Daubers and sponge

    Class Size Minimum: 8 students

    Maximum: 20

    To be Announced

    2 Day Workshop Chuck Smith

    Tuesday and Wednesday

    October 16 and 17, 2007

    9:00 A – 6:00 P

    Location: Al Stohlman Museum, The Leather Factory

    Class Description:

    Materials Provided:

    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed:

    Class Size 15

    Carve A Desert Scene

    Robert Beard

    1 Day Pre-Show Workshop

    Thursday, October 18, 2007-

    9:00AM to 5:00 PM

    Location: Hide Crafters Leather

    $ 90 per person

    Class Description: This is a basic pictorial carving of a desert scene. In carving this

    Southwest pattern, the primary use of figure bevellers will be emphasized, demonstrated and practiced. Students will be surprised what can be achieved with one basic tool.

    Materials Provided: Leather, pattern, stamping surface and bowl with sponge

    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Mallet

    Swivel knife with 1/4" blade either straight or angled

    Stylus with spoon on one end

    Tandy Tools: Figure bevelers - small sizes will be needed - F-890, F-891

    larger sizes can be used as Matters -- F-895, F-896, F-897

    Triangle beveler F-941

    Pointed Beveler F-902

    Your favorite backgrounder, like A-104

    Any tool with lines on it like a checkered matting tool beveler


    Pro-Series tools: Figure Bevelers B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4 or B-4.25

    Flat type Figure Bevelers BF-4, BF-6, FB-8

    Matters like MB-3.5 or MB-4

    Triangle Beelers SP-2 or SP-3

    Pointed Bevelers SP-1

    Checkered backgrounder like BG-3

    Other Checkered Matting Tools

    Note: Many tools can be substituted for the ones listed above

    Class Size 15

    How to Carve 3D Rope, Barn Wood & Other Tricks

    Roz Short Kaohn (The Dragon Lady)

    1 Day Pre-Show Workshop

    Thursday, October 18, 2007 -

    9:00AM to 5:00 PM

    Location: Hide Crafter

    $125.00 per person

    Class Description: Carving 3D rope and combine it with a barn wood, you can create a variety of different projects. Just use your imagination. Here, we will make a picture frame using barn wood and 3D rope. We will, also, add corner pieces. Come join the fun and create a frame like you never made before

    Materials Provided: Worksheets




    Materials Needed: Craftsman Cement (White Glue)

    Spray Bottle (for water)

    Shelf Paper (Self adhesive)

    Tracing film and pencil

    Delta Creamcoat Acrylic Paint:

    White Black

    Red Yellow

    Green Brown


    Sponge (no soap)

    Paint Brushes (large and small)

    Tools Needed: Caving knife with curved blades

    Swivel knife

    #5 Roz’s Hair blade

    #3 Edge beveller


    Six basic tools


    Poundo Board


    Class Size 15

    Layout, Carve & Stamp – Sheridan Flowers, Leaves and Stems, etc

    Barry King

    4 hour Pre-Show Workshop

    Thursday, October 18, 2007

    9:00 A – 1:00 P

    Location: Hide Crafters

    $ 45 per person

    Class Description: Barry will speak and demonstrate the basic layout of Sheridan floral designs. Students willthen practice drawing the layout, carve and stamp it.

    Note: Barry will be glad to lend assistance in showing how to apply your tools as you practice in class

    Materials Provided: Tracing paper

    Assorted patterns


    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Stylus

    Pencil and Paper

    Leather stamping tools (as many as you wish)

    Carve & Tool Sheridan Style

    Chan Geer

    4 hour workshop

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ 45 per person

    Class Description: Students will carve and tool a Sheridan Style billfold pattern. Chan will teach the techniques he uses in his Sheridan Style carvings.

    Materials Provided: Leather

    Sheridan Style pattern

    Sponge and water bowl

    Materials Needed: Marble for stamping

    Tools Needed: Swivel knife



    Normal tooling and stamping tools if you do not have Sheridan Style tools

    Class Size 20

    Two and Three Tone Lacing Using The Double Loop Stitch

    Allan Scheiderer

    4 hour workshop

    Friday, October 18, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    Saturday, October 19, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ 40 per person

    Class Description: You will learn to lace the two-tone color and three-tone color lace using the double loop.

    NOTE: Students mush have knowledge of how to lace the double loop stitch

    Materials Provided: Leather backs and lace

    Materials Needed: Beeswax

    Tools Needed: 5- lacing needles

    Lacing fid


    Lacing pliers

    Class Size 8

    Hinge & Lock Bracelet

    Gerda Van der Stroom

    4 Hour Workshop

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00P

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    1:00 P – 5:00 P

    $50.00 per person

    Class Description: We are going to make a bracelet with a Hinge as a lock to close the

    bracelet with. We will decorate the bracelet with decoration stamps.

    Materials Provided:

    Materials Needed: are two or three pieces of leather about 10 inches long and 4/5 OZ thick

    and about 1_ “ wide

    Contact-cement/ cement

    Lining leather the same measures.

    A poly board (to cut and pound on)

    Tools Needed: Utility knife

    Skiver /skiving knife/ scalpel


    Some decoration /border stamps


    Bone folder

    Tracing tool or stylus

    Class Size Minimum: 4 students

    Maximum: 12 students

    Lone Star Knot

    Tom Hall

    4 hour workshop

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ 30 per person

    Class Description: This class may be a little advanced for the raw beginner, but I am hopeful

    we can lead a beginner through a Lone Star knot. For people that can already tie Pineapple Knots and Herringbone Knots this class will give them another dimension of diversity. Most braiders tie 4 Bight and 6 Bight foundation knots. There are not a lot of braiders that use a 5 Bight foundation knot, which is the foundation for a Lone Star Knot. I have braided romal reins that had every knot on them as a Lone Star Knot and the people from Texas that saw them absolutely loved them. Since this year's IFoLG show is in Texas and put on by the Lone Star Leather Guild I felt like this was the perfect opportunity for this class.

    In Bruce Grant’s Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather Braiding he shows how to tie the Lone Star Knot from a 6 Part 5 Bight Turk’s Head Knot. We will tie a version of that knot and show other knots that can be tied as a Lone Star Knot. These knots will all show a pattern of the Lone Star in the end of the knot.

    Materials Provided: All material supplied

    Materials Needed: None

    Tools Needed: none

    Class Size 5

    Mexican 4-Braid Leather Bourbon Basket - Round

    Charles Crenshaw

    4 hour workshop $ 70 per person

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    Class Description: Students will learn the Mexican basket weave/Mexican Round Braid and double loop stitch on this beautiful basket. Measurements: 6" Diameter x9" Tall

    Materials Provided:


    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Leather scissors

    Class Size 12

    Northwest Style of Carving

    Jesse Smith

    4 hour workshop

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    Sunday, October 21, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ 45 per person

    Class Description: Jess explains the distinctions of the Northwest Style. He then demonstrates pattern layout followed by carving and stamping the pattern.Students then practice the layout, carving and stamping on sample pieces of leather.

    Materials Provided: 9-10 and 10-11 ounce leather

    Stamping surface

    Water bowl and sponge

    Materials Needed: Pencil


    Tools Needed: Stamping tools of your choice (including the basic stamping tools)


    Swivel Knife with blade

    Class Size 20

    Carve, Stamp – Blend of Al Stohlman, Sheridan, California Styles

    Jeff Mosby

    4 hour workshop $ 45 per person

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    1:00 P – 5:00P

    Class Description: A new design will be taught, which is a blend of Al Stohlman, Sheridan

    and California styles. Emphasis is on depth of stamping and backgrounding.

    Materials Provided: Leather

    Stamping Surface

    Bowl With Sponge


    Poster Board

    Barge Cement

    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Basic set of stamping tools

    Swivel knife


    Wing Dividers

    Maxiumum Class: 15

    Practical Pictorial Carving

    Jim Linnell

    4 hour workshop

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    1:00 P – 5:00 P

    $ 25 per person

    Class Description: Participants in this workshop will learn the use many of the figure carving tools featured in Al Stohlman’s Pictorial Carving Finesse book as they carve a picture. The picture will include features such as rocks, trees,grass, bushes, mountains and more. Special emphasis will be spent on carving pine trees of various sizes. Jim has developed his own techniques in using these tools and his results have been seen on the covers of the Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal as well as the Tandy Leather Factory catalog.

    Materials Provided: Leather


    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Basic carving equipment F927 F896

    Modeling spoon F924 F898

    Stylus F989 F899

    F872 F912L F900

    F871 F912R A98

    F926 F976 A99

    F925 F910

    F917 F941

    F933 F890

    F916 F891

    F918 F895

    Class Size 20

    Carving Texas Floral – Contemporary Style

    Carey Blanchard

    4 hour workshop

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    $ 45 per person

    1:00 P – 5:00 P

    Class Description: Learn to stamp the Contemporary Style Texas floral pattern as seen on

    modern saddles.

    Materials Provided: Tracing Paper/ Frosted Mylar

    Flower Pattern


    Materials Needed: Pencil


    Tools Needed: Stamping tools

    Class Size 15

    Tooling and Carving an Eagle Head – Part 1

    Bill Gomer

    4 hour workshop

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    1:00 P – 5:00 P

    $ 40 per person

    Class Description: During this class, you will learn to carve an tool a new style Eagle Head

    with Bill Gomer

    Materials Provided: Leather (mounted)



    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Mallet

    Swivel knife and strop


    Modeling tool

    Small and Medium figure/smooth bevelers

    Small and Medium checked bevelers

    Matting tools (899)

    Pebble Tool

    #2 and #3 sable brush

    Marble Slab

    Stitching Awl

    Class Size 20

    Gold and Silver Decorations

    Akiko Okada

    4 hour workshop

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    $ 38 per person

    1:00 P – 5:00 P

    Class Description: Another interesting method for your tooled/embossed leather designs.

    Learn how to color the patterned leathers with spirit dyes. Then how to apply either gold or silver foil papers or combination of both to the leather to enhance your designs. You should create at least 2 samples.

    Materials Provided: Leather

    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed:

    Class Size 15

    ABC’s of Design David Genadek

    4 hour workshop

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ 60 per person

    Class Description: This class will focus on the fundamentals of design. You will explore the natural proportions in the world and learn how they relate to your leather work. The focus will be on giving you the basic building blocks you need to develop your own style or styles. We will explore the three methods of lay out and explore the limitations of each. The main focus of the class will be on the free form method used by Bob Brown. Each participant will be asked to bring a project they would like to draw a design for. The class will begin by showing you the fundamental concepts behind floral design then we will work on developing the techniques you need to draw your own patterns by applying the concepts to your project.

    Note: This is primarily a drawing class

    Materials Provided: Pencils


    Scrap Leather

    Materials Needed: Space you want to fill (check book, billfold, rifle sling, etc).

    Tools Needed: Any tools you want to carve the sample of your drawing

    Class Size 15

    Elements of Designing with Stamping Tools

    Paul Burnett

    4 hour workshop

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ 40 per person

    Class Description: Learn the elements of design by tooling a 10” strip of Paul Burnett’s most popular stamp design for 1-1/2” belts. Learn how to properly layout for a complex stamping design and how to keep your tooling balanced and in symmetry. Learn how to use decorative cuts to enhance stamping designs.

    Learn block dying and resist method for coloring and proper finishing of a belt strip.

    Materials Provided: Leather


    Materials Needed: Tooling surface

    Hand towel

    #5 Round paint brush (Lowe-Cornell 7500 series or Royal RG250 series

    preferred, Available at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby etc.)

    Tools Needed: Mallet or maul

    Swivel knife and strop

    #2 edge beveler

    Stamping tools: V413, D606, C454, V708, G602, (Available at Hide-

    Crafters) S625, H908 and U848

    Class Size 12

    Swivel Knife Control & Exercise with a Bird Design

    Chan Geer

    4 hour workshop

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    8:00 A -12:00 P

    $ 45 per person

    Class Description: Chan will begin with a short session on the different types of swivel knife blades available and sharpening techniques (explanation only – no demonstration). The second session will consist of students participating in an exercise in “Swivel Knife Work.” Students will receive instruction in swivel knife control (cutting depth, fading, smooth curves, flows, etc.) and then practice on leather using a bird-design pattern

    Materials Provided: Leather


    Sponge and water bowl

    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Your favorite swivel knife (with your favorite and very sharp swivel knife




    Class Size 15

    Mexican 4-Braid Leather Bourbon Basket - Oval

    Charles Crenshaw

    4 hour workshop $ 75 per person

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    Class Description: Students will learn the Mexican basket weave/Mexican Round Braid and double loop stitch on this beautiful basket. Measurement: 6” x9”x11”

    Materials Provided: All tools provided


    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Leather Scissors

    Class Size 12

    Youth Leathercrafting Workshop

    Jim Linnell and Tony & Kay Laier

    4 hour workshop

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ free per person

    Class Description: Hands-on leathercraft will be taught with demonstration and individual help. The students will do stamping on leather – receive lecture – style information – and take home any leather piece on which that have worked. Guild members/parents are welcome to attend and learn how to instruct young people in leathercrafting.

    Materials Provided: All material supplied

    Materials Needed: None

    Tools Needed: Swivel knife

    Stamping tools


    Class Size unlimited

    The Making and Coloring of Gum Leaves

    Peter Main

    4 hour workshop

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    1:00 P – 5:00 P

    $ 50 per person

    Class Description: ….here we will be making realistic gum leaves that will appear paper thin. These will be colored with spirit dyes, and can be arranged so that they can be worn as decoration by the attachment of a pin

    Materials Provided: Spirit dyes

    Super sheen

    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Modeling tools

    #5 Sable brush

    #3 Scapel with #11 blade

    cutting mat

    Class Size 15

    Coloring the Eagle Head – Part 2 Bill Gomer

    4 hour workshop

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    1:00 P – 5:00 P

    $ 40 per person

    Class Description: During this class, you will learn to color the Eagle Head you tooled and carved in Part 1 of this class.

    Note: Must have taken Part 1 of class

    Materials Provided: Leather (mounted)



    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed: Mallet

    Swivel knife and strop


    Modeling tool

    Small and Medium figure/smooth bevelers

    Small and Medium checked bevelers

    Matting tools (899)

    Pebble Tool

    #2 and #3 sable brush

    Class Size 20

    Embossed Christmas Ornaments and Christmas Card

    Andy Stasiak

    4 hour workshop

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    1:00 P – 5:00 P

    $ 25 per person

    Class Description: Learn to make embossed Christmas ornaments and cards that you can hang on a tree or send to your friends and family.

    Materials Provided: Leather

    Materials Needed: None

    Tools Needed: Sheers


    Ball Modeler

    Tools for floral and pictoral carving

    Swivel knives

    Class Size No limit

    Wet and Dry- Brush Color Shading Workshop

    Tony Laier

    4 hour workshop

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

    1:00 P – 5:00 P

    $ 45 per person

    Class Description: Class will include an in depth demonstration of wet and dry brush color shading using Alcohol Based and the new Tandy Eco-Flo Water Based Leather Dyes. Samples of this type of coloring can be seen on the Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal Covers for the March/April 2006 issue, the 10th Anniversary issue and the Sept/October 2004 issue. The same coloring technique is shown on the Tandy Leather Factory 2006 Catalog Cover and the majority of samples shown in all Tandy Leather Factory flyers and catalogs. The class will also include many other methods of applying dyes, stains, antiques and finishes. Questions will be welcomed. Students attending the workshop will be invited to try their hand at wet and dry bush color shading during the last part of the workshop.

    Materials Provided: All materials and pre-tooled leather will be provided including a pamphlet

    showing step by step detailed instructions for this technique.

    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed:

    Class Size 20

    Victorian Style Carving

    Paul Burnett

    4 hour workshop

    Sunday, October 21, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ 40 per person

    Class Description: Victorian leather decoration is the bases for floral carving. Learning this more realistic style of floral decoration will give you a greater understanding of all types of western floral designs. You will learn how Paul’s realistic leather carving techniques apply to floral decorations. Increase you skill and knowledge of proper swivel knife techniques. Learn to cut of tooling, form and space. Learn how to build artist depth into your design by balancing the concave and convex shapes, and how to tool them convincingly. Leather will be furnished, but you may need to have a few scrap pieces handy to practice some new swivel knife techniques for which you may not be familiar.

    Materials Provided: Leather

    Materials Needed: Hand Towel

    Tooling surface

    Tools Needed: Mallet

    Swivel knife and strop

    Tools: Bevelers B936, B198 or B702. Undercut bevelers B60 (med) &

    B892 (small). Pointed bevelers: F976, F902 and Figure Carving beveler:

    F895. Pear Shaders: P363, P216 and P234. Stops: H907, H907S and

    H908. Fine-Checked Matters, F898F and F899F. 8036 modeling spoon

    preferred but others can be used. If you have comparable tools that are of

    higher quality i.e. Robert Beard’s Pro-Line Series all the better.

    Class Size 12

    Carving Texas Floral – Traditional Style

    Carey Blanchard

    4 hour workshop

    Sunday, October 21, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ 45 per person

    Class Description: Learn to stamp the traditional Texas floral pattern of the 50s and 60s as seen on older saddles.

    Materials Provided: Tracing Paper/ Frosted Mylar

    Flower Pattern


    Materials Needed: Pencil


    Tools Needed: Stamping tools

    Class Size 15

    The Main Techniques

    Peter Main

    4 hour workshop

    Sunday, October 20, 2007

    8:00A – 12:00 P

    $ 50 per person

    Class Description: Spend a workshop with Peter…. No tools required. This will be a friendly get together where you will see the tools in use that Peter uses. He will demonstrate and discuss his method of working with leather and answer questions where everyone can learn from the answers given. Bring your notepad.

    Materials Provided:

    Materials Needed:

    Tools Needed:

    Class Size 12

    8 Strand Flat Braiding

    Tom Hall

    4 hour workshop

    Sunday, October 21, 2007

    8:00 A – 12:00 P

    $ 30 per person

    Class Description: In all of the shows we have done we have never shown how to braid a flat braid.

    In this class we will show three different types of 8 Strand Flat Braids and we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of braiding flat braids with leather. We will then braid a project using one of the flat braids, make the transition from the flat braid to an 8 Strand Square Braid and finish it off with double rosebud knots.

    Materials Provided: All material supplied

    Materials Needed: None

    Tools Needed: none

    Class Size 15

    More info coming soon...stay tuned

  14. When I first moved to Macon, a store in the same shopping center as the Tandy went out of business, and they threw away carpeted risers they used for display purposes. Jon retrieved one from the dumpster, hammers 6 two-by-fours in for legs and was delighted that his tools wouldn't nick when he threw them on the bench. We built it in the room that was our shop, and ended up leaving it there (wouldn't go through the door!) I kept my cutting table and dye bench, though. A few years ago my dad gave me his workbench that he built when I was a little girl for his woodworking.


    There is no give or bounce on this bench because of these legs:


    This is the dye bench (yeah, I know, the shop is a mess!)


    and most of the rest of the shop:



    PS that black "rubber-looking" stuff on the marble is a piece of Poundo





  15. My friend Annie came over for coffee this morning, and I had to take a pic of the back of her shirt:


    ("I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to become a vegetarian!")

    God bless cows who give us dairy products, hides to pound on and steak for supper.



    "People Eating Tasty Animals"


  16. "For an additional expense, custom tooling is available. Select from one of our designs, or give us one of your own! All of our leatherwork is done by hand, with top quality materials, and no two items are the same."

    "We can provide custom artwork, hand carved and stamped, to add value and style to your item. Our master leather carver can duplicate a design of your choice, or you may select from one of his original drawings. Make your item personal! Additional fees apply."

    Like that, Billy?


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