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About Louisianawhipmaker

  • Birthday March 20

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    Lake Charles

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  1. Thanks Buck, I'll have to check that out, I have been looking around on here, and you make some good looking stuff! Thank all of you for sharing your pics and knowledge Rawhideing mentors are hard to come by down here.....
  2. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=50496&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 Here you go
  3. Never mind I found your explanation on another thread, thanks for sharing
  4. I know this topic is from last year but if you don't mind me asking how is the shell casing secured to the Rawhide? Oh and the reins look great -Nathan
  5. Thanks for all the replies. I definitely think I'm going to cut a strip out down the center then cut the hide into rounds. This particular cow was an old red cow and was kinda poor, so hopefully your right about generally not being to much waste Oltoot. Fortunately she didn't have any brands or serious scars, so that was a bonus. I suppose I'll find something to use the drops for, maybe burners for a Honda or something.
  6. Apparently auto correct is not familiar with the word "romal" haha Thanks for the input, unfortunately I am not on Facebook, but there is some pretty handy Rawhiders on here and hopefully I will get some more input Thanks, -Nathan
  7. This past weekend I made some raw hide using KAWs method for dehairing(it worked pretty good by the way) thanks for that KAW, any way I am now ready to cut it into strings for several different projects, maybe royal reins, bosal, and buttons and I am curious of others opinion on how to cut the hide. It seems like if I take my strap cutter and cut around the hide I would have very little waste, vs cutting out rounds then cutting string. I have even seen where some just cut the hide in straps length ways. Are certain parts better for certain items, I know when making a saddle, saddle makers like certain parts of the hide for different pieces of the saddle. I'm pretty green to this but seems as if it would apply to braiding as well.
  8. Thanks for posting that link 25b I stumbled upon that page some time back but couldn't find it again when I needed it
  9. Sorry no one else has responded to you, just saw this today. Tandy is a good choice to get started they have pretty much everything you would need from buckles, skiveing knives, needles, thread, rivets, leather and punches
  10. Platted a mecate rein with the same color scheme 22' long, next time I will start in the middle and work my way out. Too much string to fight with otherwise
  11. I stumbled upon this style of cutter on the Web sometime back, however whenever I went back to try to find it I could not. The video I saw was in Spanish and the guy used PVC pipe rather than Teflon he also used box cutter blades with backs filed of at an angle so they would wedge in properly. After the cutter was built he cut a piece of string, measured the width and wrote that measurement on the side of the cutter with a sharpie. So eventually you end up with a box full of cutters in whatever size you need.
  12. Wow I'm surprised he busted the loop, Para cord is some pretty tuff stuff. I build some similar halters and have had good luck with them lasting a long time
  13. Looks good have you ever had problems with the ring knots that go around the lead rope/bottom of the nose band slipping?
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